Looking for one too…Hey the one you did looks great is alright if i use it? Is this the right size?

No fair! I requested mine first! :looney: Hahah it’s all good. I’m not in a hurry to have the request filled out.

Buttons and Stick holes fit with the upper edge but you’d have to add a little bit on the left, right and down. Turned out a bit to small there.

EDIT: Try this. Haven’t testes this one by now so better try it on regular paper at home.

Requested? Where? If you’ll get a better one post it here please :wgrin:

Here’s the progress on mine that BIGWORM did the art for.

Edit: Might help if I linked eh?

no requests right now? :confused:

Iuuno about the other guys, LBC, but I’d be happy to take a request (i charge $5 - $15 per stick art,d epending on how much you feel like paying)


EDIT: gonna go ahead and edit out the “no requests right now” dealy from the title.

was there any requests left anyways?. . .


well… i kind of want the shadoloo group , Bison Vega Sagat and Balrog , and the logo (the triumvir one)

now this is for a custom stick so its 8.5 height x 11.75 width where the art goes… sry that i cant provide images :confused: maybe ya’ll can use the SF4 ones

its for a sanwa layout any how

6 button or 8?


oh 6 :sweat:

i can try to whip something up.


coo thx :tup:

Since you guys are taking Stick Art request again…Since there’s 3 guys that one an EX2 Vewlix can you help us out?

Do you accept Peso for payment?

I’m bout to just accept chunks of gold. . .weak ass dollar

I’ll pay as well:

Yo can anyone make a SE template for me?


Need this pic on the left side.

If you can change the color of his blocking to Yellow/Black/White I appreciate it

Yellow and Black Background(Something urban-like for ex: in the hood)

Graffiti Font right below Yun in a diagonal form:

“Skate or Die"
and blow

And have this logo on the bottom right corner:

Thats about it.

I would deeply appreciate it.


If anyone would seriously hook that up pm me

Do you have anything higher resolution? Those pictures are way too small for print and will get super blurry if I upscale them.


Hmmm…I think I’m going to do away with the ‘update list.’ Just seems too time-consuming and there really aren’t enough requests in here.

Shinblanka: Don’t worry, yours is still coming. I’m just completely wrapped up in work, so getting to it is hard…

Would anyone, who has the SE-Fightstick, be so nice to scan in and upload the character cards with the movelist?

I’d like to change the Art of my TE fightstick (that will hopefully come this week).
I wanted to use the Movelists in the Stickart but I couldn’t find them till now =(

SE is the standard edition SF4 stick right?. . .

Yes it is.