Im on a paint splatter trip right now lol. I just found brushes instead of having to do the splatter myself. I will change anything you want just let me know. I have no idea how to make this template lol.

Here you goā€¦ Idk if you want any text or anything :-D.

uhm idk what to change or if you want a diff adon picture because your one link is broken :-/.

Here is an attempt.

It is harder to tell what the art would look like because the template you gave me has everything smushed in one layer :-/. If you want I can post this without the button cutouts.

This is the final template that dingdong chose to use.

Many thanks man thatā€™s awesome i love it.
I will probably get my plexi glass and art next month then i will post my stick already with the art.
Thanks again

Thanks man, thatā€™s a nice attempt.

But could you make the Ink-Splashes a bit bigger. And is ist possible to put Adon bigger on ist? Maybe with focus on his upper body? Dunno if you need a bigger picture - the biggest I found is onj this site: - Super Street Fighter IV
And Adon without the scribbled background would be even better ā€¦but therefore I donā€™t find anything in an appropriate size :frowning:

umm how about this? I dont want to use too much splatter because it will cover adons face. unless you just want it thicker.

Yeah, thatā€™s it! Looks dirty just like Adonā€™s tricks :smiley:

Many thanks, sir!!!

ill upload the template .psd sometime today and Ill just link it here for yah. Thanks and if theres anything else you want changed on it let me know.

adon psd HERE

so I have a request. (and if iā€™m completely off, by all means let me know.)

I have a Original TE stick and want Kula art for it. Preferably something with this pic as the main background pic and if possible, this pic minus the kanji. If it helps, Iā€™d like some blue and purple in there since my seimitsus are Blue for punch and Purple for kick. Having my handle (Shin Oni) somewhere on there too would be nice if itā€™s manageable.

Iā€™m not the best at doing stick art but iā€™m actually curious to learn how to do so (especially with brushes).

^ let me give it a shot Iā€™ll have a crack at it once I get home

T6 special edition stick template request
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
art work
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Browsing deviantART

Hi guys. I am currently building a TE stick with custom art with seimetsu buttons and sanwa joystick. I am putting knsert led lights in the button and a jlf hollow led bubble top shaft. I am also using Toodles LED Controller. I am wondering if I can get some custom art done. Thanks for your time, and have a great day.

Main Image


Basically, if possible, when some kind gentlemen gets to me. I would like to have the upper left stick underneath the turbo and home buttons to say

PS3/XBOX 360ā€ But instead of words here, put the logoā€™s.

On the bottom right of the template, I would like to have my SN ā€œKrAzYaZnFLiP808ā€ in a color of purple/pink.
Bottom left of the template any of the playboy logoā€™s.
Upper right of the template, SRK logo.
Also, if you can put where the buttons are, label of the buttons PS3 first then Xbox360. For example X/A. I have a ps3 stick modded for xbox. Thanks.

Please surprise me. These are my requirements, and I would appreciate someone to do this artwork for me.

Template again is MadCatz TE Stick.

OH. I have a HD printer so I can print out the art, and plexi cover to cover it. I just had a quick question? I know I have to get bigger paper becuse the photo paper I have isnt long enough, actually short by a inch and a half. I usually use undercoverxp to get the correct size when I print out dvd covers and stuff. Lol. But How would I print out these templates to get exact size on the buttons and stuff and what software? Thanks

cool. Iā€™ll keep a lookout.

i have a request plz XD

i got the original te stick
for the picture, something with shotoā€™s would be niceā€¦ and if you could, add white green and pink . b/c those r my button colours :stuck_out_tongue:
ty =] . and could you add itzMoneyMarv somewhere please :smiley:

Hey Shin Oni sorry it took long I got caught up with stuff

Anyways here is my template itā€™s based on your description though I thought the BG would be pretty lonely with just a single Kula art so I added a bit more. The job took me about 2 hours.

Hereā€™s a preview tell me what you think. Iā€™m sorry if itā€™s not what you had in mind.

and placing it on a TE it would look like this


That actually looks way better than I even expected to see. Is there a way you can add the background in where the button holes are? Itā€™d help a lot since I have skeleton buttons and I can just place the art in there once itā€™s all done.

Otherwse, I really love it.

No worries the PSD file contains the full background I just showed the layer with the button holes in the preview because I assumed you had solid colored buttons.

like this?

I will give you the link for the PSD but itā€™s 36MB lol so it may take a while for me to upload it we have slow internet connections in our country. Iā€™ll just PM you the link when itā€™s done.

haha designing stickart is fun I may take in requests from anyone here and do them when I have the time for free of course

though a dollar or so donation to my paypal wouldnā€™t hurt and would definitely help pay for my meals and maybe even upsize my next order at Mcdonalds :smiley:
