My theory is that everything in the universe is entangled, only that our ability to recognize this “oneness” is limited due to rigid perceptions on reality that creates a disconnect between the micro and macroverse (which we’ve both rationally and biologically evolved to recognize to survive).
^All these physics discoveries and whatnot have really gotten me thinking about death a lot, is it really the end? is there a possible next stage? haha, been wracking my brain thinking of stuff
I also think about fringe stuff like that. I feel there may be a quantum component to consciousness, which might explain the distinct qualia sufferers of synesthesia and schizophrenia experience.
As far as death, a cool concept I conceptualize is what occurs when falling into a black hole. Under normal, objective circumstances gravity will spaghettify any matter (including us) once approaching the event horizon. This is also distorting space-time to an extraordinary degree as well. What if in the process of dying in that journey, you don’t actually die, but instead always almost die- as in, time is so distorted that you’re in a state where you’re approaching non-existence but the constituents that drive your mental awareness remain in a state of purgatorial permanence?
Yes time slows down for the observer, but for the victim it would appear normal (sans the unfathomable gravitational pull ripping your molecules apart.)
A singularity is a mathematical breakdown of the constituents of reality. Black holes essentially do the impossible by pulverizing the Pauli Exclusion Principle, whereby fermions (ordinary matter) cannot occupy the same space. In a black hole the gravitational collapse is so powerful it rends the quantum resistive forces asunder and makes them infinitely collapse upon itself until they reach an point of infinite density and zero volume.Think of it like folding a sheet of paper to the maximum point physically possible… then folding it beyond that point, forever.
So essentially a singularity is like a 1-dimensional point in space with infinitely dense matter.
Corniness aside, there are some interesting facts about mirrors and the eye I never knew.
So do any of you guys read Chemical and Engineering?
there was an article about new techniques that allowed for the manufacturing of small diodes/electrodes involving gold to be used in pacemakers. Which allowed for superior pacemakers. I thought it was pretty cool.
i was having a conversation with a buddy of mine and we started discussing whether or not there is a hard limit to our scientific understanding. he had a pessimistic view in that there are hard physical limits to what we can possibly know and test/measure in a meaningful way. personally i’m not sure where i stand on this. for stuff like consciousness, i dont think we will ever understand it, because that would require the brain to understand itself, which is some high level meta shit. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? given enough time, will there be no limits?
yeah i mean we cannot know the location and velocity of a particle at the same time, and that is apparently a fundamental limit to our observational ability. but im not a physics guy so i dunno the details behind it. but it would seem that there is some stuff that we can never know, because our ability to test hypotheses will be hindered
yeah, it practically stems from that. There gets a point where things are so small that the act of observation affects the particles. Not literal observation, but any machine that uses energy (electromagnetic waves) to measure the particles position affects it.
We are not that smart, even with practical tangible everyday things. oooo no we are not. But also, we are also limited as human beings. Suppose for example we are two dimensional beings. How would see a sphere going through a two dimensional plane? We would something like a dot to a circle to a dot. Sure we could substantiate something but we can never come to full realization of what we’re beholding. So is man confined to a limited understanding of the universe around him. One could easily delve into the possibility of approaching the infinitely small or the infinitely great, but to what end? To the infinitely small until space stops making sense?
There are plenty of things we don’t understand, and there are plenty of things that aren’t an exact science.
I’ve also been musing on consciousness and its uniqueness. Recently, I spoke with a coworker who used to be a (or “an”… stupid English dualities) MD, I sought some answers from him about the brain, consciousness, and the NDE phenomena.
When I mentioned “NDE” he perked up in interest. He told me that he actually had a Near Death Experience which completely changed his perspective on life (talk about serendipity!) When he was much younger in India, he was painting on the roof where he accidentally slipped and fell. The next thing he remembers is seeing his mother rushing to him bawling and crying in horror, except he was watching his injured body while hovering above!
The weird thing was that when he saw his mother crying he couldn’t figure out why she was so upset, because he felt completely at peace- then, he started to feel some weird, perturbing feeling and “***SHWUUUP!***” he was back in his body. He regained consciousness immediately and actually drove himself to the hospital, got stitched up and left with no fuss.
He said the experience made him rethink everything because he was studying medicine at the time and couldn’t figure out anything to explain the lucid observations he had, which were immediately validated when conscious.
I mentioned that it didn’t make sense how he could see (visible light specifically) and hear, and he actually had an interesting explanation. Earlier in the conversation I felt a good theory on why consciousness feels *different *involves the sea of electrical impulses maintaining themselves as a weak magnetic field around our brains- a quantum mechanism, but the problem is that field still relies on chemical fuel like oxygen to maintain our biological brain.
He explains to me that he feels that the brain might just be the middleman for us to see a localized reality, and that the field of consciousness, like the magnetic field of the earth might essentially be one in the same. The conversation made me feel like I was tripping balls but I still listened. He continues to say that he had several epiphanies, the fact that when studying the human body that we’re pretty much just an organized state of gases: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen bound by electrical charges- “We’re just gas at the end of the day.”
I entertain his thoughts by mentioning that scientists have discovered that migrating birds can see the magnetic fields of earth and he continues to explain that this if we stopped thinking of electrical impulses as a mere biological process and realize that the eye merely translates photons into electrical impulses- then into an image in the occipital lobe we can realize that we’ve never actually seen “reality”. (DUN!)
He exclaimed, "Maybe the reason why I could see during my experience is due to the brain still receiving signals to the occipital lobe and other centers without the biological relay? The brain lies to us all the time… Like in this very conversation, you hear and see my lips move at the same time, but that is a LIE! Our brain processes auditory information many times faster than sight, yet it slows down the translation to match our eyesight. "
Anywho, he ended the conversation stating that we’ve pretty much come to a standstill pertaining to many grand functions of the brain, and that no neuroscientist has come close to solving the mystery of consciousness.
My thoughts- Science isn’t a religion, nor a doctrine, it is a method of finding out the truth of the world. How did we get to this point? By first being curious and collaborating imagination with repeated tests and conferring results. The problem nowadays is that in certain areas of science we’ve reached an impasse, maybe because scientists are still human and stubborn, with their own agendas. Maybe we’re desperately fearful about being completely wrong so we’d rather go along with what fits most models instead of the complete model? Perhaps it takes a different thought process to solve these problems, by harmonizing various fields of science to figure out big mysteries such as these, even if they turn our world view completely upside-down.