@zatalcon1 you are a Space-Case, how do we use one of your sex toys?
Does it take batteries?
Watching the mahvel tourney and this nigga cloud really hit someone with a 156 hit combo to time out the fuckin round. You should be allowed to physically fight someone who hits an infinite just to time out your round lmfao. That shit is so disrespectful
Haha Cloud…GOT EM!!!
Wow…didn’t know lacrosse had a history like that.
Chat was wildin. I hope someone who doesn’t play fighters does a reaction vid. Id love to see a non fgc person’s reaction to mahvel shenanigans
Native Americans have deep roots in the origins of lacrosse and football
Lmfaooo still funny to me. I dunno i guess I’m a psychopath I see shit like this and it makes me wanna play fighting games not run from them. I see comments like “this is why I don’t play fighting games” and I don’t get them personally. Like don’t get caught then?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Dudes name Schrodinger?
Yeah they should just Port MvC2 to the PS5 and PC with updated Netcode and that’s it.
Maybe fix up Morgan’s out-of-place looking sprite.
I wish they’d just take the MVC2 engine, add a few new features, new sprites and call it a day. The closest they’ve gotten to replicating the feel of the old games in 3D was Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Then again, a port of MVC2 might just be the best option, I don’t trust their fighting game division these days
I want a straight port of CVS2 with good netcode to mark the 20th anniversary next year.
Add a rebalanced mode like SSF2 HD remix had to CVS2 and I’m sold. Hell, I’d buy it anyway without that mode
I don’t need all new sprites, just update the older ones so the style is consistent.
MvC2 needs no rebalacing.
Pretty sure their is some kind of licensing issue going in for why it’s not ported it. Disney bought marvel then took mvc2 off but then two years literally mvc3 came out.
But yet they are fine with the dumpster fire which is EA having Star Wars