Mod edit:
Uh uh…
Good luck.
At 45 I’ve been listening and reading a lot about self esteem, self compassion, how stress affects the brain, and generally subjects relating to more “whole” persons. The best part of the current age of information is having access to discussions to aid with self improvement.
Mainly because I’m basically at zero. Realizing I may have hosed myself by not having the confidence to stand up for myself, to pursue goals, or to pursue opportunities I’d be qualified for.
You seem to have a better outlook there, so please keep at it. Best of luck.
Ooooooold man
Please relay these posts in regards to the covid-19 vaccines to the Covid-19 thread…
Really? You going to let him spout bullshit
Space aliens taking to the US Government, LOL.
Dispute it then…I’m not really familiar with what the side effects of these vaccines are, but if the article is misleading…let me know.
Well I learned something today…link removed.
Yeah i mean the website name sort of gave it away
Oh, I wish the aliens would show up.
I just need some new shXt for dumbasses to deny existing.
And I hope it goes down like Mars Attacks. . .
If people start dying or get really sick from the Covid-19 vaccine then we will all know if it’s dangerous or not. That might be soon.
But people are dying from covid which you denied was even real
I recommend putting the guy on ignore.
Don’t reply to him. Don’t PM him, and dont at him.
Treat him has he does not exist.
They are not worth your time
It’s real. It’s just not that bad. People are dying from other things at much higher amounts. Covid is blown out of proportion. Most people survive it and most people don’t get it. The ones that die were already sick and dying of other things. Most didn’t really die of covid. They died of underlying causes and because they were unhealthy.
^ This shitstain catching the banhammer too? With the time off, he’ll use it to creep on more women. Lose-lose for everyone?
So what has indescriminantly killed 250k Americans this year?
We all know AIDS isn’t what kills AIDS patience yet we don’t say stupid shit like this about AIDS. Yes COVID has a drastic effect on those already sick, what’s your fucking point? Is this supposed to make people feel better because it doesnt.
My Parents are older and not the most healthy people on earth and I still have 1 Grandmother left. So do me a favor. Shut the Fuck up, wear your fucking mask, social distance, and stop saying stupid ass shit like this.
Are you really gonna die on this hill?
Go do some more research, and see you in 2021