The SRK Glossary - WIP

People refer to different techniques as resets these days.

You can use a move that knocks them out of a juggle state so that they land on their feet for the purposes of performing a mixup when they recover. This is usuallly known as resetting the opponent. The entire string of moves and a followup is sometimes called a reset mixup (see Sabre vs Valle @ Evo 2K9)

Another type of reset is using a technique that breaks the combo, but causes them to get by your next move (because they blocked wrong way) so that the damage scaling resets while leaving you in a position to start a new combo (this is what you’re referring to)

Stopping a combo midway and throwing the opponent for unscaled damage is also sometimes called a reset.

What we need is lingo definitions

Pringles - crap defense
Getting peed on/R.Kelly’d - getting perfected
Churning butter - spinning the joystick in circles (for SPDs)
Buttery - Ex moves
Free - Easy win
Salty/Morton’s - Feeling crappy after a loss
You no scare I no scare - Willingness to throw out random uppercuts to show your opponent they can come at any time (via Chris Hu)
So less - Something not worth the time/money (via Chris Hu)

etc. etc. etc.

Akuma needs to be in the dive kick list!

… I’m just a fanboy like that lol

His dive kick isn’t a dive kick like Rufus, Yun, MB F-Nanaya, etc.

The term dive kick is used to describe his own down + MK aerial move… in fact, Akuma’s came in first, so you have to say Rufus, and Yun’s dive kick’s are following Akuma’s trend.

In the definition, it doesn’t necessarily have to be used to deal pressure, it’s more of a “Special aerial attack that propels your character to the ground.” or something like that

I think that, as soon as you start talking about definitions to help establish some community guidelines, and especially when you delve into short-hand notation, it’s critical to address the problem of potential sources of confusion in terms of vagueness and ambiguity and unclarity. Everyone has their own little personal quirks when writing short-hand, but there are a few things I feel are worth bringing up. This post is just a scrappy list of things I’ve noticed.

  • When referring to hp and hk, I believe the names “hard punch” and “hard kick” are used more than “heavy punch” and “heavy kick.” Of course this is a really trivial issue anyway; I’ve definitely heard all sorts of people call them either one, and they’re not even the official names either. It’s just good to be aware that both names exist commonly.

  • Usually button abbreviations are written in lower case letters (hk is for roundhouse, the heavy kick), in order to save capital letters for special move names (HK is for hurrcane kick). This is handy for when people want to write things like “mp DP” for a strong (medium) dragon punch. This also helps people more easily differentiate between say… doing an old-school tiger knee joystick motion (tk) and performing an actual tiger knee with Sagat (TK).

  • I think that an emphasis be made on the importance of using the full cr._ and cl._ abbreviations instead of using "c."
    For reference, if anyone is new to these…
    st.hp = standing fierce (hard punch)
    cl.hp = close fierce (hard punch)
    cr.hp = crouching fierce (hard punch)
    Of course any other button (lp mp lk mk hk) can be substituted in: is a standing short (light kick) and is a crouching roundhouse (hard kick).

  • I’ve seen some people write “fp” for “fierce punch” which is not too bad but should probably be avoided. I have, however, seen some people write fk for “fierce kick.” Without enough context it can sometimes be vague as to whether they mean that button or something else like “flash kick” or “fierce [tiger] knee” or what.

  • The word “forward,” can mean forward kick (medium kick) or the towards-your-opponent direction on the joystick. Usually I just hear people say “medium kick” or “towards” to avoid that ambiguity.

The word “reset” can be used for all sorts of things.

1. Usually, it means when an attacker deliberately halts a combo early (ie. does not complete all of the possible hits, thus sacrificing additional guaranteed damage) in order to set up the opponent for follow-up attack that is very tricky to block, granting himself a golden opportunity to start a new combo (a chance to start dealing big damage again, which can be especially important in a game where longer combos have their damage severely scaled down).

Note that it’s really futile to try and define THE RESET as one particular thing, even if the “air flip out” type of thing is prevalent in many of the still-popular Capcom fighting games. The nature of resets, and in particular why it is so hard for the opponent to avoid the intended follow-up attack, can be completely different from game to game and from character to character and even from type to type. The goal is generally either to take your opponent completely off-guard with a very unorthodox situation, or to force them into a mix-up that is extremely difficult to read, with some of the more common methods being: switching sides with an opponent very quickly (MVC2 Magneto airdash madness), making them have to guess with very vague positioning whether you are switching sides or not (SF4 Sakura EX tatsu launches), or suddenly doing something unblockable in their face when they’ll probably want to block (3S Akuma kara demon setups).

(Even things as simple as Ryu doing a jump attack then his overhead punch, or Blanka doing anything xx towards hop, or anyone doing a into a throw, could technically be considered very primitive resets, but we usually already have better terms for those kinds of basic things anyway.)

I know that narrow definitions are easier to explain, but the sheer variety of things that we consider to be resets necessitates a wide definition.

2. Sometimes when we use the word “reset” we mean that the video game console was literally reset. This could be a spectator accident or a technical failure, but on some systems and titles (anything on the Dreamcast, or SFAC on the PS2 for example) you can hold down the right buttons on your controller to restart the game. In competitive play, depending on the rules of an event and/or the graciousness of your opponent, this could cost you the round or the game or even the whole match. Resetting the console during a match on purpose is considered very poor sportsmanship; it’s basically the in-person/offline/real-life equivalent of ragequitting.

3. The most uncommon use of the word “reset” is in the context of tournament bracket stuff. In a double elimination bracket, the format most popular in North American tournaments, nearly all matches are only one set long. However, the grand finals match has the potential of being TWO. In the first set of the grand finals match (the very last two players, to determine 1st and 2nd place), if the winners’ bracket player wins, then the losers’ bracket player has now lost twice and is eliminated which puts him in 2nd place, ending the match and leaving the winners’ bracket player as the 1st place winner of the tournament: he is said to be “undefeated.”

However, if the losers’ bracket player wins that first set, (in essence he has now sent the winners’ bracket player to the losers’ bracket as well), we say that the match has been “RESET.” They then must play a second set to determine who is 1st and who is 2nd. If the player originally from losers’ bracket also wins the second set, he takes 1st place and the victory is said to be an “upset.” If the player originally from winners’ bracket does win the second set, he does take 1st place and his victory is said to be… uhmm… something, I can’t remember the proper term. “Comeback” maybe.

Just some tournament format terminology, since this should be touched upon anyway:
Best X out of 2X-1 rounds is one game.
Best X out of 2X-1 games is one set.
Usually one set is one match so people often say that best X out of 2X-1 games is one match.
In our tournaments, the only exception to “one set is one match” is that above exception, where the grand finals match can be either one or two sets, depending on who wins the first set.

I’ve actually been slowly but surely building a massive guide to tournament formats and whenever I finally finish I’ll make a new thread for it. It is staggeringly complete in its detail and will probably be one of those long and intimidating things that contains everything but nobody will actually want to read, hahaha.

Shortcut/input leniency should be defined. I’ve met too many people who think that this means that the game actually has a set of motion inputs that will trigger a move (outside of the moves classic input) and not a result of the leniency given to some of a moves inputs.

Just wanted to mention that fighting game communities centered around other games may employ similar terms to ours but they may mean different things.

To a 3D player (Tekken, VF, Soul) a low attack is one that must be crouch blocked and a high attack is one that can either be blocked standing or ducked under with a crouch (passes harmlessly overtop). In general, this is the same for 2D fighting game players. However, when 2D players say “mid attack,” we mean an attack that can be blocked high or low, but cannot be ducked under. When 3D players say “mid attack,” they mean an attack that must be blocked high and will hit a crouching opponent even if they are in crouch block. The term that 2D players say for this same thing is “overhead attack.” As far as I’m aware, 3D players don’t have a specific term for a 2D “mid” that I’m aware of… I think they usually say someting like high-low but I’m not completely sure.

Uuuusually, when a 2D player says “tech,” he means softening or breaking a throw (depending on the game). When a 3D player says “tech,” he means tech rolling which is a defensive maneuver while getting up. What’s even more confusing is that the Japanese word “ukemi” for Tekken players also means tech rolling, but for Virtua Fighter it means breaking throw attempts!

Of course, every game will have its own unique style of short-hand notation, but certain symbols and syntaxes are sometimes re-defined or re-used. This can confuse people who are branching out and exploring other games. For example, the “~” symbol means different things depending on who you ask. I don’t remember any of those things though, haha.

New term: "abare"
I’m just going to directly quote an excerpt from an awesome post that Koogy made to help SF players get into BlazBlue.

This actually isn’t completely new to Capcom fighting games; I believe that Marvel players have long been using the word “conversion” for this same thing.

Namco uses the term special-mid for moves that are blockable standing and crouching.

I’m not sure if Virtua Fighter even distinguishes such moves. If I remember correctly, I was in training mode with a friend and we found a mid hitting move that could be blocked crouching or standing. And the training mode hit indicator still labeled it as a mid like any other.

^ they should call them “fuzzies” :lol:

what is a round robin?


I may be nitpicking a bit here, but I’m not sure if it’s quite right to refer to footsies as a “playstyle” so much as a basic element of fighting game strategy. I might suggest Maj’s definition of footsies instead:

“A subset of zoning focusing primarily on close range normals, where the most common goals are to knock the opponent down and set up crossup opportunities.”

While I agree with the first portion of your comment completely, in the sense that somebody can be heavy on footsies in their gameplay style it’s not a playstyle unto itself, I don’t think maj’s definition covers the whole essence of footsies. A large part of the footsies is the poke/counter poke element to set up basic combos. A simple example being a shoto using their cr. mk to hit the recovery of another shoto’s cr. medium kick and and then cancel to fireball. Hence the “footsie” moniker; sticking a foot out in an effort to touch the other person’s foot. The goal here is not to always, or even primarily, knock down and set up cross-ups but rather for certain characters (Ryu or Dhalsim vs Honda) to control space through simple counter poke based combos into moves with solid push back. I would certainly agree with a hybrid definition of Maj’s and the current one in the thread.

Yes yes yes yes, good call.

It is absolutely not a playstyle in of itself; I think this is the most common misconception that new players have about it. Footsies are an essential component of most match-ups in most 2D fighting games. In high level SF, where both players understand disadvantageous situations and how to avoid them, footsies become the necessary transition between virtually all offense and defense. As such, it’s not something that you can choose to use or not to use (“I am that kind of player” or “I am not that kind of player”), it’s something that you need to do to win and you are doing if you are winning. You just don’t get lucky against fundamentally sound players. You can’t just “randomly” squirm out of their plan of attack and you can’t just “randomly” force your plan of attack onto them; you have to earn it first, and that happens through footsies.

BurnYourEgo: I’d agree. Sometimes your goal when you play footsies isn’t necessarily to set up something greater; sometimes your “goal” is just to out-footsie them. On the topic of greater goals, another example of a very common objective is to corner your opponent. Heck, sometimes all you want to do is distract him enough that he won’t anti-air your next jump-in.

Actually, some very strong footsies players will be looking not only to read your footsies themselves, but also to determine through them what your ultimate intentions are with them, ie. see what you’re using your footsies to try and accomplish. By watching your footsies, they are figuring out why youre playing footsies. I would imagine that their figuring this out makes your footsies more predictable/manageable to them, and makes it easier for them to develop and employ a (general) counter-strategy against you that shuts down your entire game plan.

Good points all around. I see what you mean about Maj’s definition, BurnYourEgo. Insisting upon the “most common goals” seems to be the problem, as that can vary from player to player, matchup to matchup, and even game to game. I’m trying to come up with a better definition, but I’m at work right now and my attention is divided. I’ll take a crack at it later.

any place where i can find walk speeds for sf4 characters?

and are there any specific places i can look for the correct way to tech throws?


That has info on dashes and jumps but not walk speeds. I’ve seen it before, I think it was on Eventhubs somewhere.

As for throw techs, you just hit LP+LK. Throws have a 3 frame startup iirc. Gouken’s back throw has a 5 frame startup and Ken’s kara throw is like 8 I think? So if you are mashing out an Option Select tech you might whiff it and get punished by the longer startup on Gouken’s or Ken’s. An Option Select Throw Tech is done by pressing down+LP+LK while the opponent has you in a block string. If they keep attacking, you do nothing. If they stop, your crouching short will come out. If they try to throw you, you’ll tech it. The game selects the best option based on the input, but since the input can be used for multiple things it decides based on the situation.