The Spider's Lair - Juri

That’s really what I’d want any way since it forces the issue of take plus 1 to 4 or put yourself closer to the corner where Juri wants you any way.

Why not? Well firstly because Capcom isn’t going give it to you (as proved again by them only upping active frames) and because I generally don’t think it’s necessary.

The low profile fireball has its own advantages from a standard horizontal space fireball. One of the biggest ones is that characters can’t use slides to low profile under the fireball. Which leaves people being forced to use EX moves or other special moves that have projectile invul property and most of the non EX projectile invincible moves have terrible start up or recovery. This also makes it so that it can travel under most horizontal fireballs, allowing her to still force it in neutral vs them. Which when you stack with charged V Skill takes up a lot of screen space.

Like for example in Ibuki vs Juri, once Juri has LK fireball stored there is almost nothing Ibuki can safely press at Juri anymore. s.MK already beats the majority of Ibuki’s buttons and then if she throws a fireball she can now follow behind that and Ibuki has no way of low profiling it or using EX kunai to traditionally move around it (since it’ll already be in active frames by the time she could even try to do that). Juri sitting on LK fireball and s.MK relegates Ibuki to randomly throwing out f+HK or s.HK or doing something random from the air and hoping that works (all things that can be whiff punished, low profiled or dealt with on reaction). Making it naturally plus 1 all of the time would just exacerbate that issue even further.

The extra active frames now buff the time that Juri can buy time to safely create the next store vs a lot of characters. Now before you could just sit in a spot where it dissipates and then go in before she stocks. Now that space will force you to do something or make you block the fireball and give her another store.
Her ability to follow the LK fireball after it activates is a big deal in ground game and people will realize it once she gets the momentum in her other tools and tournament player base for people to see it. This is while she can also charge up a V Skill that can bypass most of the other projectiles in the game and whiff punishes most of the far range tools in the game.

I think she’s in a pretty good state now, now that she has better conversion tools and a V Trigger that she doesn’t have to be almost dead to access anymore. One that allows her to fireball whiff VTC cancel which is a big deal in taking up neutral without having to throw a button at someone first. For a game where they’re not going to give her a static plus 1 fireball, she has what she needs to get going now and it’s up to the players to fill the rest.

All we need now is :blush:

A good change but Juri does not lack on the anti air department so idk how much this will benefit her in the end. But a nice change indeed, especially since it can crush counter.

Im super used to just anti air with st hp,even though i should really medium dp.

He’ll Yeah, now I’m stoked.

If a couple cc AAs don’t make people stop jumping nothing will. Looks like it might be good vs crossups too.

This change will give us something new to explore too.

Edit: any info on the hitboxs horizontal range?

Anyone know when the downloads for AE go online?

Juri isn’t winning a straightup fireball war, she just doesn’t. She can deal with projectiles very well but don’t say she has the advantage with her low fireball by itself. First of all it travels slow, which is great for approaching, but shit in fireball wars when the opponent does a fast fireball. Especially if they use an ex fireball which gives a knockdown, great trade! Secondly it also dissipates,when juri doesn’t have ex bar just chuck fireballs on reaction whenever you see her do her fireball. She can’t dash after it, jump and get anti aired.

All options that work against standard fireball work against Juri her fireball aside from the obvious slides. SFV has PLENTY of counterprojectile options and there are also more tools that go over a low fireball than there are tools to go under a standard fireball. Yes her fireball is nice but it’s not used for zoning and she often eneds to give up massive space to even get it and whiff danerous specials that can be easily whiff punished when in range or happen to get jumped in on(no matter how good your timing or spacing you WILL get jumped in on)

Ibuki her is good against Juri her options, you get hit a few times by 2nd hit of Juri, so what? One negates it and fat chance it’ll crushcounter which tacks on even more damage. Button priority and -3, yeah baby! Try to counterhit after you block it, nope she has v-skill! get clipped again, get that VT bar! Same deal against her projectile, Ibuki her forward walkspeed is excellent, Juri can’t simply walk it back, can’t press too often on reaction against her simply walking forward, the gonna clip ya! So backdash and creat that space. Can’t throw fireball either as it has a nice chuncky hurtbox and also beats that.

Do a backdash and from further away, makes it easy to react with (jumping)EX Kunai which straight up fucking works cleanly. Who cares if it costs a bar, just do it, bypass neutral, at best i block it and need to spend a V-reversal. At worst i get CrushCountered.

If you you are close enough where you cannot react to her fireball and backdash or jump away from it then Juri wasn’t going to be + oB either. The distance from where she does it and actually gets a dash is around max range…you can react from that range with backdash, back, neutral and forward jump, use your own projectile invincible options, even to stop ibuki her dash for atleast a trade, or do it preemptively which is greta too.

Seriousely with Ibuki just hover slightly outside Juri max range, as Ibuki you got a ton of options to do whatever the fuck you wanted, especially with, v-skill and ex kunai.

You are not going to convince me the Ibuki-Juri mathcup was anything else than a clean 7-3 in favour of ibuki.

Having said all this, yes Juri will absolutely be better. Her fireball traveling further is good as she also gets more time to see what opponent is doing wand reacting without puting herself in as much danger. at good ranges she isn’t even in jump distance most likely from most characters and if they did jJuri should be able to “easily” anti-air it. Cr.hp gives more potential damage output with a CC and atleast allow for a store(negative after a non CC cr.hp aa though). TC will also help get her more easy V-Skill bar and bigger and more optimized conversions. VT1 being 2 bar improves her neutral with, and being cancellable and it leaves her with more health when she gets her first one. She is absolutely stronger.

However she also still has some of the same problems she currently has however, still giving up significant space to get a store when she hasn’t gotten a succesfull AA or clean hit. Store still lacking horizontal range which means you still lose out on hitconfirms by having to commit((blocked)light, (hit) xx store), if you see a ch light you get good damage into TC but if the light is blocked then you have to COMMIT to cancelling the in a store, if the happens to connect you just lost out on hitconfirming the, link. Atleast it’s a good deal better than it was.

Still weak to people holding back to block. VT1 still easily stopped by doing a v-reversals, fireball VT fireball knocking down so you can’t use it as a hitconfirm. Normals aside from in neutral probably still lacking such as

I wanted it to be + on block because it is a one time projectile, you can’t both use it to approach AND use it to apply pressure, the tradeoff is there in the fact it is a 2 part special, you have to choose how to spend it(unlike some lame ass boom fucker). In my opinion i rather have the range of S2 fireball and it being +1 than it still being negative upclose and traveling further. It would help with one of her weaknesses which was upclose pressure and ability to not have to full commit to an instant store after the the

Lastly i wanted it being + because it would give probably more comboability on hit and i want to do more cool shit with her instead of her being a limited bitch in limited fighter v.

At this point i only want two changes, the store anmation having more horizontal range and the VT fireball not knocking down.

I’ll also reitterate, Juri should be fine now with these changes, nothing special but probably in a good spot.

I think she’ll still be bottom 5

I feel the same ,just that bottom 5 won’t be as bad as before.

Still though,the fuhas take a lot of bar from her VT now,like holy shit.

I’ve not seen how much V Gauge the Fuhas drain yet. Is it really that much? In season 2, you can do roughly 7 Fuhas and then it’ll deplete. Now maybe 5?

I think she gets 4 fuhas now, maybe 5 at most.

That’s dog shit. I’ll be genuinely depressed if that’s true.

With her 3 bar VT1 she gets 6 lk fuhajins or 7 mk/hk fuhajins. Her 2 bar VT1 gets at least 4, but you can get 2 Vtriggers a round in season 3, so you end up with 8 overall. Personally I think the strength of Juri’s VT1 is getting better conversions off of lows more so than having pre-loaded stores.

Can someone explain why guilds fireball is +2ob +7oh and juris is -2ob +2oh

for some reason a charge move is more balanced that way than a store move

ask Woshige

Guiles fireball moves slightly faster or something? I’m not really sure.

I stopped asking questions like that about Juri long ago… We just gotta put up with the fact she’s trash tier and Capcom hate her lol.

Now that her TC hits crouchers, is it viable for a shimmy? I never use her TC appart from a CC punish. Will it even reach? We all know how damn stubby her normals are.

Also remember how in sf4 juri had best dash in ultra well in sfv necalli v trigger dash goes farther than juris lmfao

TC works as a shimmy, it’s just the most risky option at the moment since it won’t hit crouchers until tomorrow.