The Spider's Lair - Juri

Pity I never played SFXTK, Juri’s got some cool stuff there that I would have liked to play with. Also, the animation when she whiffs her launcher is sweet.

its a pity more people didn’t play sfxtk in general. it really was a good fun game that just had a series of unfortunate marketing issues. I absolutely loved Juri in that game. Will be interesting to see how the new engine treats her.

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Agreed wholeheartedly

Marketing issues plus the early game/pre 2013 competitively was a complete mess. It played like the developers didn’t finish assessing how to make the game flow correctly competitively. A few beta tests along with location tests like SFV probably would have saved the game competitively and had something closer to 2013 at launch.

Juri has some fun stuff in there, but yeah it does go against SFV “honest” philosophy and not sure how much of that would make it in if it did. Knowing Capcom they’ll probably try to reinvent her to some degree.

I think Chun-Li was her best partner…I may be bias…

I’m hoping her St. Mp is like her USF4/SFXTK versions. forward moving, far reaching and cancelable.
I imagine her Cl.St.Mp would be a command normal and even possibly gain access to a TC from it.
Not sure if she’ll keep all her close normals but I can see her with 1 or 2 command normals

Very eager to see how they handle her move set

Can’t wait to see how Birdie annihilates her filthy ass.

Juri must die.

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Juri x King was my main tag team. The synergy, the dmg, the mix-ups everything. Thy worked so well together. It was beautiful. I actually have 1 or two combo’s showcasing showcasing Juri’s potential in xT.

Can’t wait to divekick and counter all of your normals.

Juri Nina was my team of choice. Usually started with Nina on point the two of them had some really fun co-combos you could pull off.

Jin and Juri was a pretty good combo. You could get some mad juggles with those two with Jin on point. But this aint a SFxTK thread.

I really want to see what her new design is though. At least from the silhouettes of the DLC characters it looked like she was wearing some kind of armor maybe.

i’m willing to play xtekken if anyone wants to on PC sometime (that’s for another topic though), Interested to see how fireballs will change as well. The storing thing was super interesting in SF 4 and it made it alot more fun to use the fireball. Can’t say how it will change since I haven’t played SF 5 though.

Me thinks her fireball mechanic won’t change (it’s still the most unique fireball in SF so I don’t really see a…well…maybe they could change it.)

The only things I can see getting a rework of any kind move-wise is shikusen and senpusha.

Design wise…nothing honestly. I mean outside of age. What could they or want to change?

Look her chest just isn’t up to SF5 design spec-

I think because she’s a newer character people are less wedded to her look, so I could definitely see them dicking around with haircut, trouser choice etc

Last time I checked Juri had some nice knockers going. So they can rule that out. I’d they not fiddle with her design. It’s already fine.

Bet bananas will keep the bitch in check like it does with Cammy.

I’m sure a lot of people who like a change in her hair. I love the Rita hair personally.

Alot of people are opposed to the hairstyle. I also love it. It’s unique, suits her and overall fine. I mean it’s not exactly a common hairstyle you see. Just a little extra to shake things up a bit. I see nothing wrong with that. Eh, if Juri gets a hair down alt then those who want that can have it.

Juri’s hair design is stupid. Hair down = best hair. Proof - Rose, Cammy, Chun-Li, Poison, Juri concept

Juri’s hair is actually a very distinguishing feature much like Chun’s hair buns.
Judging by the silhouette they’ll change her look up a bit. I swear it even looks like she has a headband or something.
They’ll no doubt do an original costume though as DLC if they do in fact change her look.

I was thinking more about her move set and I’m still pretty convinced Omega mode was a testing ground for theories/ideas for SFV
So here are a few quick videos showing off her combos and moves in omega mode:

What do you all think of her Omega variant?
I her Omega Super can be her Critical Art for all I care.
Capcom won’t allow for all the juggle potential, especially because they hit Chun and Ken pretty hard with the juggle nerfs.
FSE will most likely be her V-Trigger, it only makes sense, however will it stay the same or will they remove the chaining normal for something different?
All is just speculation and theory crafting but that is kinda what this thread is at the moment, lol XD

Merry Christmas everyone!

Juri could use a bigger bust :love: I also would not mind if they changed her colors a bit, like making her white pants black as default to make her look more menacing. I really would have liked a black and red costume in SFIV. So either better colors or allow us to make our own like in KOFXIII.

So what do you think will be her story about?

I think we can expect her to be after Bison again, but since they said story mode would be “better” this time maybe we’ll see something more, something else.
Wouldn’t it be funny to see that despite being so wild she still retains her first-class upbringing in some aspects of her life? Like on meals she always places napkins on her lap, raising her little finger while holding a cup of teal lol.

I have those comics. She was not happy with twelve being Bison.