THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN - The Houston Thread - Texas Showdown May 5-7, 2017

Had an awesome time at the tourney. I placed as well as I thought I would lol. I have no real solid team or play so… yea.

Thanks for the invite Jan, I wish I could have gone but I have work earlier than usual tomorrow and I told my momma I’d take her to eat.

Good seeing the old Marvel crew, Joey, Gene, Chris. I’ll def hit everyone up for some games, especially during spring break!

I learned a lot. Until next time.

CDB2: Thats what happens when you start learning marvel. You will lose alot before you get good. As far as thor goes, i agree with you. He is a good dhc character but thats were it stops in my opinion. Hes super slow and cant dash as fast as guile so Im probably wont be maining him in the future. How much did the sanwa stick and ball cost? Does that website ever have sales?

KaloROBO: Whats up kalo? Welcome to the houston scene. Nice to see your interested in mvc2 and mvc3 and ssf4. Add me on xbox live: KingAirbrush. What characters do you plan on playing in mvc3?

Man I’m disappointed that I didn’t make it up to the toruney today. My folks had planned to come down to the house to box up some of there old stuff for the new home up in Brenham.

I hope the tourney was a big time success. I know Madoc and his Cammy of Death won the SSFIV tourney, lol.

I didn’t go to the tournament

That is true. I am getting alot better. I’m not giving up on Thor but I am learning new characters and seeing how they mesh with Wesker & Magneto.

And oh the stick and ball costed me about $31.51 after shipping and taxes. I don’t if they have sales or specials but alot of people here go to them for fightstick parts.

Oh crap, my bad.

had a blast at the tourney today 8D! :woot:
ggs pplz~

watching the recorded stream. Good Stuff Joey H. Kobe ripping it up as well.
and are there 2 stones…on the stream there was a LGS Stone and Stone?? same?>>

Yeah, Andre wasn’t fully aware I was sponsored so I told him to put that in front of my name later on. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shoutouts to Jan for being best in Houston at MVC3. :open_mouth:

respect da pipe

well i was using magneto chun phoenix and im like 150-20 on ranked on psn but everyone sucks i think it made me worse

but i think im gonna not use phoenix against real players. =)

who do u use?

Good Shit to Jan. For Winning KTX and HTX tourneys! :tup:

Yeah. I heard on the stream Jan was in the finals. I had to come to work so I didn’t finish watching. It sounded like everyone was having a grand time time over there. The commentators were not over the top like other streams of fighting games and not dropping the f bomb every 5 seconds. =D.
Congrats to Jan and Joey H.
So how many people ended up entering? Any money matches go down?

just got home from work.

HAHA i didnt catch this
"I don’t know if Jan is playing Street Fighter. I hope he’s not cuz that game SUCKS."

good shit at monsters last night

Thx everyone for coming! Results thread soon, along with another big announcement!

CDB2: Magnus is still nasty. Was watching the winter brawl stream yesterday and he has some nasty combos. The main thing is to learn his combos cause he is really technical. Wesker goes hard in the paint. I was thinking about picking him up but need to see how his assist would benifit my team. I might get some parts from there just depending on what all they sell. I want those lights in my stick to were you press a button and the light comes up. Only thing i was wondering about was since the light is almost always on, does it cause heat to your fingers when pressing the buttons?

KaloROBO: Nice team. I think you should use phoenix after seeing what happened at winter brawl yesterday. Guy beat justin 2twice with her so she has alot of potential. Im in a daze right now on who i use. Mainly captain america cause his shield is the same as icemans beam, does the exact same thing. No matter what, Im chipping that ass down. The other 2 characters are up in the air. Are you done with smash or are you just picking up mvc3 but still maining smash?

Jan: Good shit on taking 1st my ninja!

TYS Mvc3 March Series @ Smileys: All information about the series can be found (HERE). Also, this week will be single elimination/3 out of 5/1$ entry/winner takes all. I will be starting the tournament at 9:30 so get there ON TIME cause I will not be taking any late signups. If we get 40 people the breakdown would be 39$/1st place/2nd/1$. There will be alot of new people joining us so i ask everyone to be there at 8:00 to get casuals in. I will be sponsoring 100$, top 3 winners of the exhibition will split it 70$/20$/10$ on march 30. Will let everyone know more info as the dates move closer in. Time to start the new promo campaign so we can have 50+ every week now. =]

Charter bus from San Antonio to Evo! I think this is a great idea. Let’s go!

**We should seriously do this for all majors.

I was just thinking about this…**

Hello everyone, I’ll be down there later on this week and is wondering where everyone plays at.

i still want to play melee but marvel i want to play because yeah its good.

i want to use phoenix but i have more faith in the houston players being able to shut her down, but yeah.

captain america is cool feels good too. but yeah alot of these characters are wanky like ironman he feels like hes underwater or something. i still think akuma is the best char in the game but nobody uses him really (plus im dumb)

ill try to make it to all the TYS i can