THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN - The Houston Thread - Texas Showdown May 5-7, 2017

kenmastersX: Come thru this wed so we can get hit the crack 2 up. Almost that time for me to buy some new pots and pans for the crack 3 babyeeee babyeee.

token pimp: If this info you say is true, then it looks like its about that time to start up a protest. AirbrushKing Vs Dennys Round 1. Im about to go HAMMMMMM!

FindMyFarms: Houston we have a problem. Imma have to come thru in a suit and tie and have a talk with corporate. Convo will go like this, So AirbrushKing how can we help you today? Me say, I want to know why you charging an extra 1$ for them flatbreads? Why, because of how popular it became on srk in the houston thread? They say, Yea we read how a guy named suavion damn near lost his mind over it. Me say, you see what its doing to your new customers, having boys going bonkers. You need to lower them shits back to 2$ or else im always rolling with the ggg-unit when i come thru. They say, Ok Deal! Its back on the 2$ menu. Anything else sir? Me say, yea let me in on the future new 2$ items on the menu. They say, gggg-unittt. We got you babyeee babyeee!

Paco Jerte: I have a 10$ gas budget a week. 40$/month. If gas prices start going up, imma see if i can invest in a water powered car that way i would get 2 cups of water for me and 2 to go :wink:

Damn ABK, that shit sounds spot on, didn’t know you had negotiating locked down like that.

Oh yea. Dont let the cheapness fool you. I am multi-talented and will get the job done like suavion “BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY”. Just let me know if you need me to negotiate anything for you and I got you. I be seeing how they be getting down on that law and order svu. Got me thinking about being a lawyer?

oh dear god



I just came back from a Denny’s by my house and it was still 2$…the waiter probably trolled you for a dollar and used it as strip club ammo…or maybe they are raising the price:shake:

Wont argue with that.

Pwhahaha!! Lol.

Lawyers dont charge 2 dollars ;/

Mmm, spicy chicken nuggets from wendy’s. 2 of those are my 2 dollar addiction. Their natural cut fries are pretty good too. Hate their burgers though.

also, no marvel at Best Buy yet. Im going to ask them if i can take the copy home after closing and bring it back the next morning LOL.

the grilled chicken burger is legit there raph all the others suck

Don’t talk about leaked games!

Scrub Tuesday! Last day to get your Membership before the MVC3 release party! Remember everyone with a membership gets into the release party FREE!

Won’t be at scrub tuesdays tonight, not enough money to pay for an oil change, gas AND membership. Also will be gone on sunday/Monday.

Lawls I gots ta change my oil too. Too lazy to do it my self so im just gona pay 10 dolla extra!

I just remembered that i really like money. MIGHT be at bar fights, most likely will be at release party.

The $3 menu goes into effect April 1, 2011.

R.I.P. MVC2 it was a good 10 yrs. Hope to see some ppl from htown tonight online for that MVC3.

You got an early copy? Where should I go for one? ;_;

Does that mean you also won’t be at Smiley’s tomorrow? How you gonna get that flatbread???

Who wants to give me a ride to Monster’s?