Lets hope everybody on that list shows up so we hit he 50 mark.
Monkeyspank: Damn man I didn’t even know you played half those games LOL. Good shit that nothing happened to keep you from coming. Looking forward to seeing you.
DanEG: I figured out how the brackets work for tonamento and the ones I sent you the link to. They are almost identical minus one small difference. Easily fixed though I’m just gonna get a marker and right the change of position on the bracket so no biggy.I also created a giant excel worksheet with everybodies names and the games they have registered for so come registration all you gotta do is look at the sheet and mark off people as they come. Also added blank spots for those that have yet to pre-reg. I’ll give them to you tonight or tomorrow.
Haha really i dont but i figure its streetfighter and it cant be that hard :p. It’ll be epic. Maybe ill bring my girl so she can see me whoop ass and get my ass whooped lol.
btw, I’ll be bringing an extra xbox 360 fightstick if anyone needs it, it’s that cheap Hori one and I know some people don’t like it, but I find it to be a very reliable stick.
I’ll also be bringing 2 tvs, an xbox 360 and a Wii. The 360 has HDR, Super 4 and MVC2 (just incase) and the wii has TVC on it.
The headphones were a great option at BATB3. When I was testing them out… I loved the clarity… but it felt odd. I’m sure PC gamers are used to he feeling, but me personally, it just felt out the norm. The feeling of them there while trying to play, it just felt off. That’s just my opinion though. I saw others use them just fine.
For finals…definitely TV sound so everybody can hear.
I feel more comfortable hearing it from he TV. And sound can be very important in some games, especially for timing in some instances. But I also understand, that if every station has sound, it can get kind of noisy and saturated. In a perfect world, sound from the TV speakers. In this setting…some may have to be headphones… some stations TV speakers. I think a mix of the would be ideal. For example… if you are doing the setup for SSFIV like you did for Vanilla at BATB3. Have the middle TV on headphones… the TV left and right of it, on TV speakers. Repeat on he other side. Just a suggestion.
Btw… last tourny, Tekken players had no sound period. (Tekken was placed at a station using HD monitors I believe, no audio speakers :sad: ) Just throwing that out there, if there is anyway that can be avoided this time.
Kewl .Just found out I got a ride over there Now. So Im there for sure ya digg… cant wait to see my Homies from the Valley .No Homo.:smokin: Gonna be like thee old days
hey quick question ill prolly be a bit late to the tourny like maybe 1:30 to 2:00 at the most will that be a problem? ill be a bit tied up in the morning but ill take off right after im done. just wanted to give you guys the heads up i dont wanna miss the action minus tvc lol
Please remove Ray Chun from the list. Unfortunately due to recent unforeseen events, will not be attending (so we’ll be representing for him as well as K-Town). Thanks.