The SFV Lounge: SRK is ALIVE. AE Hype is BACK! DISCORD going the way of DISCO

@Akhos aka LordWilliam1234

I lie?

Wait waitā€¦ @Akhos is LW and did tutorials? Weā€™re they by any chance the Juri tutorials with the fuckin pony overlays in 4?

Those were great if so. I actually dug around when I finally got 5, but couldnā€™t remember ole boys name and couldnā€™t find them anymore.

I wouldnā€™t call those great by any means and most of that is out-dated now anyway

Just havenā€™t deleted them yet

I never did any tutorial videos for SF4

is good

now lets hope I can afford to go to em!!!


And I could pull more up.

Coincidentally, in order to get out of bed in the morning, I have recite this phrase ā€œAncient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form into Darc Requiem, the barely living AAAAHHHHH!ā€

That quote is pretty much a motto for me these days. :tongue:

Old gezzers in here.

I modelled my life and worldview after Mummā€™Ra. :heart:


Yeah I was not expecting that LOL. Gonna have to start playing again and put down the Monster Hunter.

I just bought MonHun lmao. Iā€™m fucked. Not to mention how I just bought BlazBlue CF on PC and Bayonetta on the Switch.

Itā€™s okay, though. Iā€™ll see you and Evil Canadian in Top 8 anyway.

In honor of past Presidents such as Jackson and Roosevelt I spent a chunk of this holiday in battle.

Managed to finally crest Gold after riding the bubble for an hour or two. The servers tried to derail me with a laggy as fuck Alex when I was one win away but I managed to not quit the game or pitch my stick through my monitor so I won in spirit.

Iā€™ve still got a lot of work to do - I lost most of my sets against Gold players along the way - but it feels good to make it this far.

Also FATā€™s mobile client finally updated with S3 stuff.

Good day for SFV.

lolll hit me up on that MonHun. Iā€™m down to play any time.

Had a root canal today. It was pretty much painless. The real pain comes tomorrowā€¦Blanka :anguished:

Congratulations and well done for getting to gold GetTheTables. :slight_smile:

Meanwhileā€¦at the Legion of Doomā€¦erm @Veserius ā€™ house

oh shit blanka does come out tomorrow

fuck i completely forgot to enjoy playing this game for another week before the abomination known as blanka comes out tomorrow. Freggin missed Shin Bipson too.

got caught up in history. Iā€™m gonna miss a SFV-less blanka

Itā€™'s ok, abigail is here to heal all wounds.

Alright, everythingā€™s ready for the big day. Got enough FM, bought a wallet top-up to get the nostalgia costume and my connection is so smooth that I donā€™t get any rollback even in 4-bar connections.

ā€¦Thatā€™s not good, Iā€™d better fire up the Wi-Fi.