The SFV Lounge: SRK is ALIVE. AE Hype is BACK! DISCORD going the way of DISCO

Doctor Strange


Is mine

@Intuitive2011 That video reminds me my first SF4 online match. My opponent was a Blanka and he tried to fuck me with the 30 seconds/1 round setup. Sadly for him I was using Bison at the time, so it was an easy W. Ahh, the olā€™ days.

Donā€™t worry, heā€™s coming back with cross up 8 way Blanka Balls. BE PREPARED.

By Odinā€™s Beard, this looks quite promising!

As a geek I am excite

I would never leave that. Iā€™d be stuck in VR for life.

74% Sale! Iā€™m rampantly shilling this game, so buy it!!!

I ship it

If that means he will be taking thatā€¦ thing out of Brazil, I am ALL for it! <3

Laura is terrible influence for women everywhere. Stay away from her kids. Sheā€™s a disease.

So itā€™s okay from Grandpa to be screwing around with a 20 year old, but Laura is a disease to other women for liking dick?

Looks like thereā€™s actually an even better deal on the Panthera at Newegg. Use code NENR7 and you can get one for $129.99.

Zeku just has bad taste.

Daily reminder:
Laura is a thot

Lauraā€™s quote to Zeku was cute, sincere and honest
unlike Ibuki who runs into one of the all time greatest fighters in the world named Ryu just to ask him the location of various dicks across the globe

Thatā€™s like saying abigail is unfair and dishonest. Which is of course false.

Daily reminder: A10metal doesnā€™t know what thot means.

Ibukiā€™s been on a quest for dick for two decades. Sheā€™s the only character in the series that centers her life around the D. Sheā€™s more obsessed with dick than Vega is with beauty, @Daemos is with Bison, @purbeast is with a SFV netcode update, and @ā€œEvil Canadianā€ is with funny monkey pics.