wow a sore winner, maybe use a character that takes a bit more brainpower to use im shocked the abigail player even tried to help you.
this game makes me sore
Just bodied a shitty Abigail online with my Ibuki and fucker had the audacity to call my offense brain dead.
Then he told me to try blocking. Yes because blocking charged hp and command grabs is a good idea.
It could be?
So when is this migration supposed to happen?
I don’t think Blanka’s LP ball is that big of a deal in this game to begin with, but here’s a list of punishes for it depending on who you use
characters that can punish lp. ball (outside of super/vt)
cammy- drills
blanka- hp ball, ex ball, vt1 ball, super
rashid- ex flying douche kick
mika- ex but
necali- mp dash punch claw thing (in vt hp works) super
alex- mk and ex elbow, vt1, super (only at close range)
kolin- super, vt2 fowards dash
zeku- vt1 dash. old- ex fireball kicky. young-run slide
juri- mk flippy flip kick, charged v skill, super
ibuki- super, kunai, ex kunai, vt2
laura- ex elbow, vt1 elbow
karin- mp flippy dippy bullshit overhead, mk tenko
nash- mk scythe kick, vt 1, super, vt2?
bison- mk and hk scissor kicks, slide
birdie- bull head, ex bull horn
sim- mp, hp, mk, hk
fang- ex lean over and poke the other guy with your wierd ass fingers
rog- dash punches, super
urien- mk shoulder (only works if ball is done point blank. can link cr.lp after) , hp shoulder, ex shoulder, aeigis
abigail- sweep, super
sakura- dash lkcharacters who need super, vt, range specific shit or can not punish at all
ryu- super, dash lk (only close range)
ken- vt1 ex tatsu, super (only close range) dash mk/lk (only close range)
akuma- super, raging demon
menat- orb recall/soul spark, super (close range only)
vega- vt1, slide (only close range)
chun- super
guile- super, ex boom (only close range)
ed- super, dash lights (close range only)
gief- nothing although can react with flex or charged hp. can get vt1 after the flexwhen Blanka is in the corner lp. ball is extreamly unsafe. Also if there are any mistakes/anything i missed please let me know
My favourite part about SFV Blanka is that he can make his annoying stuff safe in this game thanks to everyone’s favourite feature, the V-Trigger.
The “Blanka sucks” train is moving slow as hell. I blame no famous social media blanka telling the masses which way to go.
My favourite part about SFV Blanka is that he can make his annoying stuff safe in this game thanks to everyone’s favourite feature, the V-Trigger.
Well he has 3 bar triggers so you’re only getting one use of that.
VT2 Blanka ball FADC cross up ball shenanigans are kinda fun, but negative on block once people start blocking them.
The “Blanka sucks” train is moving slow as hell. I blame no famous social media blanka telling the masses which way to go.
Seems Ves thinks he’s better than trash also which is a good sign for the green man.
Zeku has dropped hard in the character usage chart… He’s a cool character i should probably start playing him more!
Ive been watching Hades77 (RB) dude has a crazy Zeku…
I think Zeku dropped because his VTs just aren’t very inspired or unique.
He also needed 2 CAs; 1 for each form.
He’s also a stance character which instantly ups his learning curve heavy. Heavy learning curve characters automatically drop in usage especially among lower ranked players.
I just played a level 46 Sakura. That guy has spent more time with SFV since her release than I’ve been awake.
I don’t think Blanka’s LP ball is that big of a deal in this game to begin with, but here’s a list of punishes for it depending on who you use
characters that can punish lp. ball (outside of super/vt)
cammy- drills
blanka- hp ball, ex ball, vt1 ball, super
rashid- ex flying douche kick
mika- ex but
necali- mp dash punch claw thing (in vt hp works) super
alex- mk and ex elbow, vt1, super (only at close range)
kolin- super, vt2 fowards dash
zeku- vt1 dash. old- ex fireball kicky. young-run slide
juri- mk flippy flip kick, charged v skill, super
ibuki- super, kunai, ex kunai, vt2
laura- ex elbow, vt1 elbow
karin- mp flippy dippy bullshit overhead, mk tenko
nash- mk scythe kick, vt 1, super, vt2?
bison- mk and hk scissor kicks, slide
birdie- bull head, ex bull horn
sim- mp, hp, mk, hk
fang- ex lean over and poke the other guy with your wierd ass fingers
rog- dash punches, super
urien- mk shoulder (only works if ball is done point blank. can link cr.lp after) , hp shoulder, ex shoulder, aeigis
abigail- sweep, super
sakura- dash lkcharacters who need super, vt, range specific shit or can not punish at all
ryu- super, dash lk (only close range)
ken- vt1 ex tatsu, super (only close range) dash mk/lk (only close range)
akuma- super, raging demon
menat- orb recall/soul spark, super (close range only)
vega- vt1, slide (only close range)
chun- super
guile- super, ex boom (only close range)
ed- super, dash lights (close range only)
gief- nothing although can react with flex or charged hp. can get vt1 after the flexwhen Blanka is in the corner lp. ball is extreamly unsafe. Also if there are any mistakes/anything i missed please let me know
I wanted to make a video showing off the Blanka Ball punishes. This saves me some research. Thanks, @Antaeus @“Devil X”
Zeku learning curve is pretty heavy and the character isn’t cheap enough to justify his usage by big part of the SFV playerbase. On Twitter the Zeku shitstorm is high.
I think Zeku dropped because his VTs just aren’t very inspired or unique.
He also needed 2 CAs; 1 for each form.
His VTs are just out of context, especially after the VTC general nerf. Being one shot VTs makes everything even worse, there’s no reset/mixup potential coming from them. He’s just too honest for SFV, but in this game being honest means bad.
I wanted to make a video showing off the Blanka Ball punishes. This saves me some research. Thanks, Antaeus “Devil X”
Beat you to it
Would have had it up this morning but had other things to do (wanted it earlier in general but I didn’t get Blanka until yesterday)
Also includes other punishes people didn’t think of because the frame data on LP Blanka Ball on block is wrong
“Lab first, whine never,” that’s my motto
I’m really Liking Blanka in this, but I don’t really know how to use his vtriggers.
“Lab first, whine never,” that’s my motto
My motto is nsync forever
Akhos:“Lab first, whine never,” that’s my motto
My motto is nsync forever
More or less, yeah. Maybe it’s a Canadian thing?
I just played a level 46 Sakura. That guy has spent more time with SFV since her release than I’ve been awake.
I keep coming back to her and I don’t know why. Something clicked today in training mode and I think i’m going to stick with her. She gets bodied by everyone but i’m having a lot of fun playing her for some reason.