I can’t be the only one that feels like I play less awkwardly with a couple beverages in my bloodstream. On top of that, I chew tobacco while I play. Now I’ve read that tobacco use can dull reactions, I personally don’t notice a difference.
I think weed definitely makes me play better. I feel like I’m in a zone where I’m unstoppable. Like a robot on autopilot that can read your thoughts and counter whatever you throw at me. I guess you could say it’s exactly like Damdai describes:
“Flow is like a state of mind that you can ascend to, where things just happen. You don’t really have to consciously think about the things you’re doing anymore.”
For me it’s quite the opposite. If I have a drink and hop online, it’s like I forget everything about the games I’m playing. So I’m pretty much sober every time I’m online. Although there is instances where I’ll be silly drunk and troll ranked in Street Fighter X Tekken.
Pretty much this. If I try to play while I’m drunk I play horribly. It makes me more impatient, and with most games, that’s a bad thing, at least it is for me. I end up throwing out a lot of dumb moves that get me punished. Basically doing all the things I’d know not to while sober. xD
If I smoke a sativa and then hop online, for the first hour I will have absolutely godlike reactions. I’ll play sloppier but just counter-poke everything my opponent does, anti-air perfectly and do supers on reaction to relatively fast whiffed moves. After about an hour I’ll start to slow down and play like complete garbage.
But there is ONE instance where alcohol can help my performance. I call it Poongko V1.0+ And that’s jager bombs. For some reasons I react better, I’m more aware of what needs to been fun. And I still get that euphoric feeling from the alcohol. Other than that, rum and cider are my enemies online.
Maybe it’s cuz I drink whiskey, but I always seem to play retarded. I’d love to find a combination that works well with my desire to go mash some scrubs later in the evening. xD
That’s the one toke over the line syndrome. Can’t push it too far…
Ever do the “take a bong hit before the round starts and see if you can get a KO before you exhale or pass out” ?? Now *that’s *pressure
Here’s another game you can play:
See if you sneak a bong hit in before the animation of an Ultra in SF4 or Cross Art in SFxT ends.
Best part: You always win:tup:
Once i woke up on an overnight, really wasted and hunged up (thanks to vodka and rum, no less), and saw CvS2 REALLY fucking fast. I tried to play one match but was quickly OCV´d by K-Blanka, so i said “fuck this” and went to sleep again.
Hahaha, I’ll have to try that. Jager and I are good friends, though I kinda see what you mean about whiskey making you quick to get pissed. I find that’s part of what happens. Whiskey=Rage Quits. xD