The Sengoku Basara series Thread: NO POLEDANCING KASUGA FOR YOU!

1Up shows why it’s my favourite of the “big 3” gaming sites, gives Basara an A-.

Suck it, IGN.

Yeah I went through that man I feel your pain. The first time I sent it to Sony but I was really lucky that I did a system back up a month prior because Sony wipes your hard drive clean. I still lost all of my copy protected games though but I was able to save everything else. The second time it YLOD’d I found a neighborhood guy to fix it and eventually got a Slim and used the Data Utility Transfer to move everything over. Had the Slim for a year now with no problems. Really sucked buying the same system twice though gotta say.

Couldn’t get down to Gamestop today so I’ll stop by tomorrow. If for some reason those bastards sold my reserved copy then I’m off to Chinatown in NYC. I can always find sold out games there lol!

So this is basically Capcom’s Dynasty Warriors except in Japan right? I played one or two of the DW games that were on PS2, but they didn’t really interest me that much. I played the demo for this a little while ago though, and it seemed a little more entertaining I guess, seems a lot more stylized. What kind of replay value do these games have?

It doesn’t seem like there’s a ton of characters, I like a few of the character designs though. Emo Revenge Hair, his priest guy Otani, Motochika, & Oichi (Unf <3) all look like characters I’d probably be attracted to playing. Are their story modes fairly long?

It took me so many tries with Emo Revenge Hair to beat this part too. I kept trying to fight the stupid asshole and was just getting murdered. I saved up my Hero meter and then used my second level Basara on him and it didn’t even do hardly any damage. I found it actually seemed faster for me to just run straight through the entire stage, without even using the zipline, that was how I finally got past only stopping to rape that one door guard.

I have over 100 hours on this game alone(not even 100% done), there’s only 16 characters but they all play very differently, they all have around 8 stages in story mode and everyone has at least 2 story paths, they all have 12 unlockable weapons, lots of equip-able items to unlock, and frankly it’s just alot of fun to play even when you aren’t trying to unlock something.

Overall this probably isn’t as hard as DW, but it’s more about playing stylishly and getting huge combos and just generally looking badass while murderalizing them. It IS possible to make it alot harder though, there are easy, normal, and hard game modes, and there are handicap items that lower your damage, double enemy health, stuff like that. You could also just equip weaker weapons and not bother with defense items, etc.

I don’t see why we need the other thread either just for the game when this one has had good momentum going. Can just update original title to include “Sengoku Basara 3 out now” or something like that. Not that anything is wrong with the new thread but I think it kinda divides and confuses things, especially for new people trying to get into the series as a whole, imo. The series isn’t as “renowned” as some others to give a whole new thread to a game that a lot of people don’t even know exists lol.

Anyway, I finally break down and go to a SSFIV gathering for the first time in months. My friend asks me, “How’s that Basara?” I say it hasn’t shipped here yet. He gives me a puzzled look and says he picked his up this morning. I’m like are you serious?? Besides the fact that Gamestop sucks and the idiot behind the counter told me that shipment wouldn’t be in until Friday, I found out that the preorder texts went out Tuesday around 6pm. I reserved my copy Tuesday after 6pm. So I guess it’s kinda my fault MAYBE…but dude still shouldn’t have told me Friday. When was the last time a fucking game released on Friday?? And the GStop “vet” employee allowed him to tell me that bogus shit too. I think he knew better but was mad at me because he can never convince me to reserve or preorder anything. I tried to buy my friend’s copy for $60. That’s almost double what he paid, but his evil ass wouldn’t budge. And he doesn’t even like Basara series. He’s a DW fan and just likes how cheap Mori is in SBX. I need new friends…

And just left Wal-Mart. They didn’t have it either, or so they say. Enjoy guys.

One question though, how difficult is the hardest difficulty? Because that’s going to be THE factor in persuading some of my other guys to get it. Fools loved getting there asses kicked by Lu Bu apparently…

not THAT hard, but as I JUST said above you:

but again the game is more about combos and killing stylishly than difficulty

I’m sure they won’t bother partaking in the honor system with handicap items. They’re just gonna have my head for swearing that it was harder than PS2 Shinobi just to get them on bandwagon. Oh well…

But on the DLC/Expansion pack necessity wishlist:

Our other characters
JP voice/audio track option
Nightmare difficulty

Capcom Japan has already said NO DLC AT ALL. Well maybe we’ll get lucky and see a JP track DLC for the US(lol yarite), but those other two aren’t happening. In fact I doubt the series will ever have a very hard mode because that’s not really the crowd it’s going for. Would be cool though.

Hey, an SRKer can dream!

This game rules.

…until you get to Mushinge Tachibana. THAT BASTARD KILLED ME IN TWO HITS!!! Also…is Otomo supposed to be female, or the generic effemiate male?

So I wanted a DMC prequel starring Sparda with DW mechanics. Since he was a general and took on Hell’s armies by himself I felt this would mesh well canonically and gameplay wise. Then I found out about Sengoku Basara and that they pretty much did what I wanted. Took DMC’s over the top flair and combined it with DW mechanics and improved the combat engine.

I need to get this game.

P.S They should totally do a Sparda game with this engine.

Generic Effeminate male…I hear is all the rave in Japan.

I got my copy earlier today, the guy there was like “I don’t see your reservation for it, and we only have one copy” I was like wtf. Still, I managed to snatch it. :frowning: at having to earn Nobunaga, but the game’s still fun enough with everyone else.

I’m surprised they used Naked Arms for the intro. Thought it would be the generic music most of the trailers on youtube had.

Everyone saying this game is easy made me think I could start off on hard difficulty. Ended up dying to the very first camp commander :lol:

Got mine this morning, but haven’t played yet. Yo, GStop is crazy terrible. Either that or this game is so far under the radar that it isn’t even in the system. I had to actually force the guy to look in the drawer for my “magical” preorder for this “mysterious” game. Then when he pulled it out 5 seconds later I mean-mugged the hell outta him. Like, so hard I made his eyes water. I’m not usually an asshole but I had to aegis reflect years of GStop injustice. Just glad this whole episode is over though. Shit. I won’t have to chase another game like this until hopefully…never. It’s easier buying imports lol.

From now on, look them square in the eyes firmly and say, “Don’t bullshit me.” And yea, Nobunaga looks bad enough now to warrant playing through with Oichi twice. Because she looks badass now too. It’s a family affair son.

Because that was grown folks conversation. You gotta crawl before you can walk, and in previous Basaras some of us learned to fly. I don’t doubt that SB3’s entry curve is challenging, but it’s the progressive brutalness we were discussing. And a tournament mode like in SB2Heroes would’ve remedied that at least. Reminiscing me(using barely leveled Mushashi) vs Honda, Shingen, and Shimazu in an electrified fence. Fondest of memories.

Fully agreed. So long as they don’t reboot Sparda into Robert Downey Jr.

And you can pretend Nobunaga is a younger, evil Sparda. Whatever you like. Mitsunari is clearly Vergil’s clonage. The themes are readily apparent. And they even had a couple DMC weapons in older Basara games.

But I’m on the way home to jump on. Later dudes…

Fuck. Nearly finished Mitsunari’s story, had Ieyasu down to just a few hits till Tadakatsu wtfpwned me. Oh well, next time, with more J Pop! YES!

Heh, naw I just underestimated the damage increase. It’s not as bad as Koei’s Chaos difficulty (where even the most basic grunt could kill you in a few hits), but still not something one can sleep on.

Just like Yakuza 3, I’m taking my sweet time with this one. Played the same Ieyasu (charging his strings never gets old to me) level from the demo. But this time I covered every facet of the map and ambushed Yukimura, triggering a different intro speech from him. Good DW/SW stuff :wgrin:

Haha I love ambushing Yukimura, his reaction is so goddamn funny. That map is alot of fun too, great stage and great music.

After finding out both Ieyasu & Magoichi (and who knows how many other characters) have moves you can store by holding down buttons, I’ve remapped my controller almost as if I were playing an FPS :lol:. All the important shit is on the triggers. Takes some getting used to, but now I can run around with a special always charged, while still having full camera control.

What I do is I actually switch hand placements depending on what I’m doing. Like if I’m need to charge something I’ll move my right hand so that I’m hitting the buttons like a joystick rather than holding it like a controller. This makes it eaiser to move the camera while fighting as well.