The secret to beating Magneto

Augmint, you’re an idiot.

I mean, it’s getting to the point where that’s all I can say. I’m raising my points and all you have for me is sarcasm. Who the hell are you anyway?

You’re an idiot, that is all.

sarcasm huh?
where does calling me fag and idiot come into it?
Why ask who am I then call me an idiot?
I got no beef with what your’ve posted on srk except for on this thread.

I stand by my original point - Doom won’t beat magneto with his normals as opposed to getting an APA and having good assists. Your rebuttal to him not having good normals against magneto said it all.

And as for your explanation as to challenging magnetos rushdown - Challenging Magneto’s rushdown means knowing that he can’t be everywhere at once -
why couldn’t you just say it comes down to space control/zoning?

[QOUTE=DASRIK] Magneto’s rushdown is, for the most part, so good because nobody dares to challenge it. But if you attempt to do so, then it ceases to become about whether or not you’re blocking correctly, and becomes about who can guess better. [\QUOTE]

So you say nobody dares to challenge mag rushdown - but then you say (and I’m paraphrasing) that it comes down to space control/ zoning. Profound insight… I geuss nobody ever played Doom that way.
There’s your fucking sarcasm.

You should ask Skisonic about dash fierce.

Or I guess, play any good Doom.


I’m not being sarcastic, Augmint. You really are an idiot.

I’d have to agree with Dasrik, this is a fruitless conversation…

If you want to talk Doom being the underdog, talk Sentinel, not magz.

if you have the answer than tell someone if not…FUCK OFF…thats all i got to say.

Not all questions have certainty. The problem is SRK kids don’t want help, they want a win button they can steal. And they are the ones that should fuck off. “thats all i got to say”

SJC his before it comes out if you’re in a bad spot (like you rush in on Magneto or something and he blocks your attack chain). I’m not sure if cr.hp > qcf+LP is safe if they pushblock at the right time…So, for what it’s worth > sjc is useful (and easy). + its +1 worth ammount of meter :confused:

If you can get off Cr.Roundhouse, and you need Doom OUT, SJC it into Super APA (awesome chip) and DHC out to sent (or hail)

seriously if you play doom as your main…YOU SUCK. so there for this thread is meaninngless.

I’m paying attention to you. I’m reading your post. I’m responding to you.

Feel better emo-kid? Someone noticed you.

Now get lost.

Your name is gouki10. You play Oro in Third Strike.

Next, please. I’m sick of Internet scrubs.

…you an superjump cancel Doom’s c.RK if it’s blocked? …

What’s basically being said is that Doom should make Magneto doubt himself. Anytime Magneto is thinking, that is a bad thing for Magneto. I can understand why that would be a new concept to a lot of newer players (MvC2-only, specifically Magneto players), but it’s actually something you’ll stumble across a lot in any underdog/disadvantaged match.

@Augmint- about the double-quoting of Dasrik: He’s saying that Doom’s worst match in the top 4 was Sentinel, but that it was still winnable.

Regarding Sent vs Doom: this depends a lot on teams. Sent/Commando is different from Team Row, and if Sent doesn’t have Commando behind him, that makes things easier for Doom since Sent is more likely to get his assist DHCd on. Advantage still with Sent, but at least then he sorta needs to know what he’s doing. Commando cuts off a lot of Doom’s options.

yeah I know what he was saying - I think its winnable only if Doom has certain assists.
I 'm still sticking by my point that when Doom beats magneto its going to be because the damage is through AAA or APA . With half the magnetos you fight against having psylocke assist and magnetos priority on his light kicks you have to be extremely prudent in how you use his normals.

I don’t think magneto is going to doubt himself over getting hit by Dooms normals - good anti air, and APA XX
is where Doom wins matches period.

wow you people are so violent =P

IMHO Doom can fare pretty well against Mags even on a one on one matchup unless the Mag player has really good patience, and these are my reasons why.

From personal experience, Doom’s air lk beats out just about all of mag’s air attacks, so most mags will be using the ground dash to get close up b4 they can tri-jump rushdowns. This is where what Dasrik said comes in.

If you actually interrupt their ground dashes by doing the standing FPs and crouching RHs enough (I’ve found that you can often catch a ground dashing Mag with the basic dash in,, cr.FP) instead of being beam happy in the air, the opponent will usually take to the air to try and get closer to you. And this is where you have the advantage.

In short, if you do nothing but run from Mag, he’ll catch you eventually and rape you. But if you actually come to him and “hit him” as it was put, you’ll cause the player to take to the air, at which point you can cross them up.

I know this has been said like 80 times but that’s as simple as it can be explained.
If you want to see this tactic being put in action, watch some of Mike Z’s vids and see how a lot of what he does would work even without the assist.

Final comment, what I’ve put by no means says that a doom will be beating Mag like it’s nothing by doing this. It just says that you won’t just be a combo video waiting to happen by using doom. :slight_smile:

that’s a david vs goliath match, although david did win,lol. nothing is impossible.