The Second Annual UTSF Championships [MARCH 30, 2013, TORONTO]

Challonges can be found here:

The Second Annual UTSF Championships
Presented by University of Toronto Street Fighter and the Woodsworth College Gaming Club
March 30, 2013
Kruger Hall, Woodsworth College


  1. Mr Trite / Edwin Lui (Akuma, Adon)
  2. UltraMike / Michael He (Zangief, Adon)
  3. MLGFearless / Miguel Leandro Gamboa (E. Honda)
  4. AlwaysMashing / Kevin Nguyen (Yun, Sagat)
  5. TOSFHQ Jayssan (Adon)
  6. TOSFHQ Darran (Akuma)
  7. isnotasmurf / Colin Huang (Blanka)
  8. Dagamewhiz / Dan Gamboa (Rose)
  9. Steve Wang (Akuma, Ryu)
  10. BAGEL_BYTES (Dhalsim)
  11. James Ly (Cammy)
  12. Spinkster (Dudley)
  13. Anton McGann (Cody, M. Bison)
  14. Jason Chiu (T. Hawk)
  15. GENocide / Adam Terpstra (Gen)
  16. MuvLuvGuy / Bon Thach (Akuma)
  17. UTSF Dawnthief / DJ Wilson (Dee Jay)
  18. Tempuraii / Philip Leung (Cody)
  19. Andy Truong (Sakura)
  20. Kaj Marshall (Ibuki)
  21. DanSux / Eddie Quan (Sagat)
  22. GenjiWeapon99 (?)
  23. Dennis Huynh (Fei Long)
  24. M1NK1S (Evil Ryu)


  1. Mr Trite / Edwin Lui (Spencer, Vergil, Hawkeye)
  2. Rikir / Andy La (Tron, Dante, Arthur)
  3. RTyst / Raphael Angoluan (Taskmaster, Firebrand, Doctor Strange | Others)
  4. Anesh S
  5. Shambles / Damion Chan (Nova, Spencer, Taskmaster)
  6. Allori / Nicholas Victoria (Magneto, Spencer, Sentinel)
  7. SC_Asianboy / Matthew Fu (Wesker, Doctor Doom, Vergil)
  8. Willizle / William Guevarra
  9. Mister MKL (Morrigan, Haggar, Shuma-Gorath)
  10. MLGFearless / Miguel Gamboa (Morrigan, Doctor Doom, Akuma | Hulk, Sentinel, Wesker)
  11. Hoodlum / Dulan Benedict (Nova, Wesker, Sentinel)
  12. _SiN / Charles Cuela (Nemesis, Doctor Doom, Wesker | Nemesis, Wesker, Akuma)
  13. UTSF Dawnthief / DJ Wilson (Deadpool, Taskmaster, Amaterasu)
  14. FRZ RayChay / Ryan Chan
  15. Renob JC / Jacky Chan (Spider-Man, Wesker, Super-Skrull)
  16. Dagamewhiz / Dan Gamboa (Wesker, Doctor Doom, Phoenix)
  17. JChiu / Jason Chiu
  18. James Ly (Magneto, Doctor Doom, Vergil)
  19. Jayizzle / Joel Guevarra (Wolverine, Doctor Doom, Vergil)
  20. Ox / Warren Akin (Spencer, Dante, Magneto)
  21. UTSF PKBrawlz / Patrick Kelly (Ghost Rider, Hulk, Arthur)
  22. Tempuraii / Philip Leung (Wesker, Dormammu, Doctor Doom)
  23. Muv-Luv Guy / Bon Thach (Zero, Ryu, Arthur)

PERSONA 4 ARENA (side tourney)
*1. Rikir / Andy La (Naoto)
*1. Teashop / James Ly (Mitsuru)
3. Spinkster (Akihiko)
4. Lv4Hypocrite / Marx (Labrys)
5. UTSF dorkstorm (Liz, Teddie, Kanji)
5. UTSF MLGFearless (Great Overlord Party Animal of the Universe Narukami)
7. UTSF GoneCrazy (Yosuke)
7. MuvLuv Guy / Bon Thach (Narukami)
9. Tempura / Philip Leung (Elizabeth)
9. ??? (Mitsuru)

University of Toronto Street Fighter vs UOIT FGC 5v5**
2/3 Pokemon style, 1 set

TOSFHQ Darran (Akuma) x 2
TOSFHQ Jayssan (Adon)
Steve Wang (Ryu)
Dennis Huynh (Fei Long)

Kevin Nguyen (Yun)
Michael He (Zangief)
Miguel Gamboa (E. Honda)
Kaj Marshall (Ibuki)
Anton McGann (M. Bison)

  1. Kevin Nguyen (Yun) loses to TOSFHQ Jayssan 2-1
  2. Michael He (Zangief) beats TOSFHQ Jayssan 2-0
  3. Michael He (Zangief) beats TOSFHQ Darran (1) 2-0
  4. Michael He (Zangief) loses to TOSFHQ Darran (2) 2-1
  5. Miguel Gamboa (Honda) loses to TOSFHQ Darran (2) 2-1
  6. Kaj Marshall (Ibuki) loses to TOSFHQ Darran (2) 2-0
  7. Anton McGann (M. Bison) beats TOSFHQ Darran (2) 2-1
  8. Anton McGann (M. Bison) beats Steve Wang (Ryu) 2-0
  9. Anton McGann (M. Bison) beats Dennis Huynh (Fei Long) 2-0
    Team UTSF wins 5-4