The Salty Runback 7 - MvC3/SSF4 - Best Western Plus Executive - July 23rd

I can probably bring a setup. i still got the sf 4 and he said to bring it next time we come up. I should be able to make it again. Though I don’t think I’ll stay out till 7am friday night/saturday morning this time. That drive back as murder.

what time does this end typically? i want to show but have an event that evening at the Toefudojo… we dont open till 9:30pm and the tourney will start 1030ish… if time allows, i can help with a console and sticks…

These tend to run late. Usually past midnight.

There could be a possibility I could make it out. VEEEE SHALLL SEEEEE!!!

Good shit Lee. Make sure to drag Francis with you.

I will also have some floor (bed) space if you (and maybe francis?) need to crash out.

I hope to make it out to one of these upcoming tournaments, even though my Marvel game is probably not up to par. Do casuals typically happen at these tournaments, too?

If you get there early to register there are typically casuals going on before the tourney starts.

I’m gonna try to make it, thing is my vehicle’s not gonna be available. Is anyone gonna be driving through or around Federal way 320th on their way home? I’ll help out with gas of course.

I’m hella new to the fighting scene… only been goin to GW these past 3 weeks so I’m probably gonna just spectate or get some casuals in until i get better with a TE.

if you play on pad, then just use that for the tourney

Good point… If that’s allowed I might just do that.

Yes, pad is allowed, but it cant be wireless.

Alright, here’s what I’ve decided on the subject of side events:

-Tekken will be a permanent side event. It will run in the bar and start at 6:00pm. The Tekken community will handle sign ups/running the event.

-MK9 is also a permanent side event. Matt (Gadouken) has signed up to run this for the time being. He will handle that event.

-There won’t be any other side events (sorry other communities, but most of the interest/intiative is behind these games).

-We will continue like this for future events until it becomes an issue.

Also, I still need setups for Saturday. Post up if you can bring them.

Stream of Top 4 for Tekken/MK9/SSF4 and Top 8 Marvel?

The other addl Top 8 matches for games on handicam? Is that okay? Or perhaps do Tekken until its time for the main games? Your call on that man.

MvC3 and SSF4 for sure. Tekken and MK9 are side events, so it really depends on whether we have time or not.

just wondering what the link was to your stream

thanks again mike!

Team Khaos on

I mean if Tekken started at 6, I’ll be at the hotel, so I can be down there at 3/4 setting up, it’ll make sure the stream is actually set up as well and running smooth. So hypothetically speaking - stream Tekken until it finishes, then kick it off with Marvel until the top 8 rolls around or top 4 or whatever.

If I can attend, I’ll bring my console and MVC3/MK/SSF4. No HDMI cable though.