Nah I was talking about the regular chain grab. Dolphin dive (you mean the EX grab?) is too hard to react to, i’ve tried, at least online it’'s too tight.
To add on for the FANG matchup, don’t jump in when he has charge because his double poison balls will beat you out everytime. Be very conservative with your jumps throughout the match.
Sotoja (b > f punch) is unsafe on block. As far as I know however, his EX version cannot be punished so stand your ground after you block that one.
FANG’s sweep is super unsafe as well, punish with your own sweep or whatever you see fit.
Punish poison balls when you’re close with a sweep.
Watch for his slide during the neutral game.
When you’re close to FANG or have pushed him to the corner, there’s a good chance he will try to slide out of pressure, jump in on you, or to keep you away, he’ll throw the poison balls. Always get within that sweep range so when he throws the balls, hit him with a sweep. Even on trade it’s always in your favour, plus you get the knockdown pressure. Play your life lead. Most of FANG’s damage comes when he has a full meter into super combo.
The matchup is usually the same, play the fireball game, baiting jumpin’s (shoryu punish, always) and slides. If he does get in on you, relax and be patient. Watch for the moves that you can punish and then go in for pressure. I usually sweep and then go for a jump in on their wakeup, mixing it up with throws. These strategies have been quite effective and i have not lost to many FANGs at all as a result. Turtling is your friend.
With the Nash matchup, a good thing to practice is to watch for his flip kick. When you see him jump up for the startup of the move, throw a parry into hp shoryu. When you condition Nash to not be able to throw that move out for free, you can start to apply pressure on him in return

Nah I was talking about the regular chain grab. Dolphin dive (you mean the EX grab?) is too hard to react to, i’ve tried, at least online it’'s too tight.
I was kind of referring to both the EX and non-EX versions of his jumping grab (is that Bull Revenger? Still getting used to the move names lol).
The easiest input to do reaction wise is just to press up - that’s much easier than st.HK, which you have to do about 10 frames early, or DP, which is a full motion. You can press up on the last possible frame before he grabs you and you’ll still be able to j.MK on the way down into a full combo.
In terms of being too hard to react to - I think this is just a matter of getting used to it. EX dolphin dive is 25f startup, that’s the equivalent of a SUPER slow overhead. And like an overhead, you just need to hold one direction to stuff it. I’m not saying I get it 100%, but it’s definitely possible if you’re watching for it.
In general I find that the Birdie matchup requires good reactions - I’ve been working on punishing can-drink on reaction with tatsu. That’s also doable, but pretty tight.
It’s possible, it becomes a hell of a lot harder when the birdie player starts cancelling it out of blocked normals though. Overall I think the birdie match is a definite “zoning” style, and v-trigger fireballs definitely help once you get those red bars. Ryus zoning game increases significantly when the fireballs increase speed and I think this is where you gain the space back against him.
How does people say that Ryu is any good? Bad normals, bad specials , bad V-trigger, bar throw range, can’t follow up any knockdown, is simple, 0 senanigans and has abad matchup agains tons of the roster.
Ryu isn’t good, get that in your minds. Same tier as Laura and Zangief.
Btw, how do you fight the 0 honest characters like Karin, Mika, Dalshim and Vega?

How does people say that Ryu is any good? Bad normals, bad specials , bad V-trigger, bar throw range, can’t follow up any knockdown, is simple, 0 senanigans and has abad matchup agains tons of the roster.
Ryu isn’t good, get that in your minds. Same tier as Laura and Zangief.
Btw, how do you fight the 0 honest characters like Karin, Mika, Dalshim and Vega?
kill yourself

How does people say that Ryu is any good? Bad normals, bad specials , bad V-trigger, bar throw range, can’t follow up any knockdown, is simple, 0 senanigans and has abad matchup agains tons of the roster.
Ryu isn’t good, get that in your minds. Same tier as Laura and Zangief.
Btw, how do you fight the 0 honest characters like Karin, Mika, Dalshim and Vega?
Maybe you should drop him.

How does people say that Ryu is any good? Bad normals, bad specials , bad V-trigger, bar throw range, can’t follow up any knockdown, is simple, 0 senanigans and has abad matchup agains tons of the roster.
Ryu isn’t good, get that in your minds. Same tier as Laura and Zangief.
Btw, how do you fight the 0 honest characters like Karin, Mika, Dalshim and Vega?

Lets not get trolled so easily…

How does people say that Ryu is any good? Bad normals, bad specials , bad V-trigger, bar throw range, can’t follow up any knockdown, is simple, 0 senanigans and has abad matchup agains tons of the roster.
Ryu isn’t good, get that in your minds. Same tier as Laura and Zangief.
Btw, how do you fight the 0 honest characters like Karin, Mika, Dalshim and Vega?

How does people say that Ryu is any good? Bad normals, bad specials , bad V-trigger, bar throw range, can’t follow up any knockdown, is simple, 0 senanigans and has abad matchup agains tons of the roster.
Ryu isn’t good, get that in your minds. Same tier as Laura and Zangief.
Btw, how do you fight the 0 honest characters like Karin, Mika, Dalshim and Vega?
I’m getting sucked in like Zangiefs v trigger.
What game are you playing?
He has 3 frame LP and pretty much all of his buttons are useful. Axe kick and solar plexus are probably among the best unique normals in the game too.
He has an invincible dragon punch and a fireball! That in itself makes him better than a lot of the cast.
His dry run damage is stupidly high.
His super is excellent.
His v trigger is not the best but I’d say at the very least average for 2 bars.
His dash is one the best. His walk speed is good. His buttons are good. He can thus play footsies.
His meaties game is also top notch. St MP, axe kick and solar plexus all lead to big damage with almost no risk. Also he has an overhead.
You crazy son. Crrrazy. He can play offense/defense and really dictate the pace.
Except against Nash, Birdie and to a degree Bison, where he can’t dictate shit and has to play very reactive.

Except against Nash, Birdie and to a degree Bison, where he can’t dictate shit and has to play very reactive.
Sometimes with Bison I just focus on practicing defense, not even winning necessarily. Block block block tech bloc block.
How do you guys approach the cammy match?

How do you guys approach the cammy match?
Cammy is scary at first, but not that bad once you get the hang of it. It’s important to keep a couple of things in mind.
She is REALLY safe on almost all of her normals so there isn’t really any point in trying to punish her after normal attacks. Her only really negative normals are s.HP and c.MK. I wouldn’t recommend looking for point blank s.HP (at least I can’t imagine good Cammy’s relying on it.)
This means that if Cammy ends strings with c.MK, it’s basically your turn to push her (unless you’re spaced back into neutral). She can cancel into extremely unsafe specials if she wants, but if you block those, give her a beating.
What I have found the most important thing against Cammy is being as ready as possible to throw tech. Her cross-up game is pretty gimmicky (just hit her out of anything) so (like Ryu), she relies on throws to open up people in the close game. So long as you tech a decent amount of throws, she doesn’t really have many good ways of causing chip damage or safe-ish long range pookes. (fireballs can add up). Just play solid and you can bully her somewhat.
And Parry all of her Spinning Knuckles. It’s a very easy c.HPxxHP DP. The fireball game with her becomes baiting that at first, and then it goes back to AA’ing because after eating it once, no Cammy wants to eat it again.
Was vsing my mates Nash and I got absolutely rekt. I can’t handle it man. He said the reason I lost to him was because I don’t have a neutral game… but lol its so hard to play neutral against a character that can play neutral from halfway across the screen and is so fucking mobile god it makes so damn mad! Scythes and f.hp… what bs pokes! How do I compete with this char in neutral? What can I do? Nash is fucking bullshit fuck this character honestly.
@LiangHuBBB How do you deal with Chun? This matchup is driving me crazy. means you can’t jump ever unless its over a Kikoken, which Chun has zero reason to throw at a dangerous spacing given her strong normals. Her buttons and walk speed make it easy to walk you into a corner. Your fireball is really your only poke to keep her out and it feels incredibly unsafe. Her slides underneath the hadoken and is safe as long as she hits the last half of the active frames which is pretty damn generous, and it works as a regular poke with decent range and also covers dash forward. Cr.lp/ means you can’t use in pressure at all because nothing you have can follow up after without getting beaten by a mashed 3f normal. Feels incredibly uphill. I get the same vibe against Cammy but at least Cammy’s normals aren’t as good I guess and she doesn’t have a fireball to force the situation if you don’t match her fireball, she also doesn’t have as safe of an anti-fireball tool like Chun’s slide.
I’m not even talking about having trouble with instant air legs, its all the other shit that’s driving me crazy. I guess my weakness in block strings is biting me in the ass as that seems to be literally Ryu’s only strength, his pressure and damage once he gets inside. Everything else he just loses.
She can’t do the slide on reaction to hit you. It’s an anticipated way to get past fireballs.
The way you deal with Chun is the same as any other character with better normals than Ryu IMO. Shoot the fireball and see how they try to deal with it. If they like to slide you can beat that with Ryu standing LK. Once you knock her down you should aim for frametraps off moves that leave you at +2 like cr.LP or Cr.MP.
This is the kind of match where it helps to know how to confirm off a single counterhit St.MP as well. If you intend to use it in pressure you can’t really double up on it or go into Cr.MP/MK that often because of her 3f jab. What I would do instead is like a Cr.lP, standing lk or walk back to make their jab whiff. Her defense is poor even with meter so when you knock her down you have to go to town on her.