Dan: 3s was 14 people I think, CvS2 looked huge.
Rikc – Keep up with that Elena man, good meeting you. I was worried about our first match – Elena is a good matchup against Ryu. Hope to seeya at MWC or one of the OH tournies maybe.
TKK – That Denjin is too much!! Work those overheads too and Ryu’s mixup becomes supreme fierceness. If you still wanted to visit Cle, PM me (I’m GhaleonUnlimited on AIM, but I’m not on too much) and we’ll see what we can work out.
That Ryu I played after the tourney who whupped me as I taught him the kara throw: sorry I didn’t get your name man, but glad to see Ryu getting some major attention in Michigan. Keep it up dude.
Ft Wayninites – great job coming in and representing for Indy in 3s and CvS2. Sucks we aren’t closer, I’d be hanging out w/ you guys like every week. Good times, good times. Definitely forming a Indy/OH alliance for future tourneys!!!
Judgement Day – you guys (everyone who helped run things/take vids/etc) definitely made the tourney worth the drive. The raffe tickets are a great idea that I bet tournies will be stealing in the future. Thanks too for the nice winners packet you put together. Hope I see your crew at more tournies + next year’s Mayn. Wish we woulda got to play more – I read all up on Alex just for you and Julian, lol.
Grego, please, you gotta start keeping that Oro on the ground man
3s is not Marvel. Risk vs. reward and all that. /paul lee
GJ taking out my dude Dave
and making Ryu play the patience game, something he doesn’t do too often.
Everyone was really cool, thanks for having us up there. I hope some of you MI guys travel to our Ohio events, rare as they are. Might be one in June in Columbus, and ECC weekend there’s a 3s tourney at the GG event in C-bus too.
Elena overhead – 11 frames
Dudley overhead – 12 frames (7 frames? lol, I told you guys!!)
Almost everyone else (Ryu, Akuma, Alex, Urien, etc) besides Ken – 14 frames