How is this thread helpful? What is the outcome in the real world?
Sounds like a mad RQer registered here just to say that ^
All the threads on SRK and you ask that about this one…
i commend you for the work and effort @Omnius
i think it’s important that we keep track of all these scrubs until capcom takes the matter into their own hands.
Still have some un-uploaded ones that i’ll get to this evening.
Keep up your good work. Thank you!
My career hasn’t even started and I am already a RQ. Well done, bKb, well done.
But seriously, that’s a sad imputation, but I will forgive you.
If you ask me, the thing is, it is an honorable intention, but what do you do with it? The opposite of good is good intentions, a german saying says.
Correct me, if I’m wrong, but what do you do with all those people on the “list of scrubs”, of which at least some are accused wrongly? Do you memorize this list and leave matches with them? Is their a functionality in the matchmaking where you can block players? Is this just a public “shame on you” thing? Is there something planned?
I am serious about these questions, since I am always suspicious when it comes to pitch-forks and torches. But as I say, I am serious, so help me out.
As to my person: I am a n00b in fighting games, but since I was always attracted by them, I thought SFV would be a good point to start with. Rest assured, I am completely aware that I will learn my lessons the hard way and I am willing to take the beating in the beginnning. No need to rage quit for me, since I would miss some chances to learn then.
I’ll begin by apologizing for my previous post since i was very sure that you had come here to “troll” or something of that kind.
And to answer your question… There are many benefits of having a thread like this.
The best thing about it , obviously, is that we can let each other know who will rage quit and who will not.
We are basically saving each other time/energy/frustration/etc.
Example : At the VS screen i choose to just quit the game when i ran into a “name” that had been posted
here several times , knowing that the person is in fact a ragequtting scrhub!
The OP just said this too.
Apology accepted @ExposedD and thank you also for your clarifications @Omnius. My career will start this weekend and I haven’t even bought the game yet, so I don’t know the mechanics in it. If you can quit a game beforehand, the list makes sense.
Maybe there will be a system in game to punish RQs, when I start to play online. I at least hope so.
There is no list of scrubs, there is only a list people who have been confirmed or have been named under suspicion as players who will often quit the game when they were about to lose. You may well be right, maybe one or two of the people on the list had some kind of connection error. Maybe they didn’t.
SRK like many other forums allows people to talk about whatever they want. People quitting in this game is a problem and happens regularly whether you agree or not. As for grabbing ‘pitch-forks and torches’ and your implication that we are on a witch hunt, well, I don’t know where you get that from. There are no penalties for quitting the game, all the list does, is allow people the choice of if they should play against people who choose to leave games early. No one is saying these people should be hunted down or anything like that. It just affords people who care the choice.
If you played SF4 you would see that there was a disconnect ratio that afforded you the same choice.
If you don’t care and you think this is a pointless use of our time then that is your prerogative and you have your right to that opinion but I like many of the other posters on this thread want to share our experiences and the matches.
This Rage Quitting is so out of control… It makes the experience with the game total sad.
So, I have updated my RQ Playlist, and here are the new videos:
Demoli (Vega)
Goku13, -TifoX-, cadmant (Nash)
Vento_Aureo (Mika)
One mistake I saw was for ‘lboon’ it’s actually ElBoon.
Didn’t want anyone being mistaken for a rage quitter.
Also, my bro just got quit on by a Karin with an 83 win streak, the name is: Fovean_Warrior
Thanks for the list.
I’ve started quitting out if the game is laggy beyond playable standards. I’d prefer neither player to receive points for a 99 second scramble to get stray hits.
Here’s one from a couple days ago I forgot to post
The creaton is DBZ99SFV
Seems like when you play high rank people you might as well just quit before you even play them. You WILL NOT get credit for winning if you do, they quit after they lose 95% of the time if they’re in the top 1000.
Resolution - Karin player to the list.
Add TheBlueJ - Birdie
The fucking NERVE of that mika player; ‘‘K i’m going to taunt and then ragequit’’.
Seriously man, go f’ing get laid.
Oh! I really don’t know what made me saltier… the taunt or the rage quit! LOL xD
EnetroX 5k Gold Cammie player. Was trash. Got crushed 3 in a row.