The Rage Quitting Thread

Hold on bitches…let me savor the moment


I quit out of a match at the beginning of second round just now, wasn’t mad but it was a slideshow, it was unplayable.

I dearly hope that if they come around with rage quitter punishments they leave a 10 second grace period at the start of a match to leave, so if you see major teleporting you can just leave straight away. Or maybe some kind of detection system where if it gets bad it pops up with an option to cancel the match. I think MKX does something like that.

Is there even an option to see your own playlist and replays?
I had a guy disconnect on my, Gief vs Gief. He had a win streak and then I made him wake up Super and whiff and I hit him with mine and he disc.
I believe was Papi_Chulo

A gold ranked Ken SuperQuan just quit on me.

I had about a good 7 ppl rage quit on me this past hour

Trillhouse, nash player

The rank 169 Gold Cammy ErgoNoxcy is a rage quitter. I found it hilarious when he left the moment he got perfected round 1. It was all the more amusing with his alt cammy costume.

come on online games has quiters in every game. im sure Capcom will fix it. Until then…Dont get mad…Get even! :stuck_out_tongue:

There should be an easy way to detect which connection severed from the game first, or something like if you disconnected, from the network completely and not just the game, it is an auto penalty. The excuse of “oh my internet sucks” just doesn’t cut it. It is 2016 and if you’re stealing wifi from a local starbucks to play, you shouldn’t be online anyway. Wifi in general should be banned. Sorry :frowning:

I rage quit on anyone who lags and bases their entire strategy around it through incessant mashing and dashing. They aren’t playing street fighter so I feel no shame. I have the highest level consumer internet in norcal so If I put the filter at 5 I shouldn’t get paired up with constant teleporters unless they are all dalsim. I get better connection with people in Japan than I do with some people in my own area code. Don’t play SF if your family/roomates are hogging all the bandwidth. It’s that simple. /end salt’

edit: I should state for the record that I don’t think it’s cool to rage quit when you are legitimately being beaten, and by that I mean smooth connection, regardless of how the other person is playing. I am skeptical of an effective “rage quit punishment” because people will just default to lag switching or downloading porn. I think quits shouldn’t count if you are doing them against people with unstable connections, otherwise I’m all for a penalty.

Had about 15 casual matches and 10 ranked matches last night, not a single rage quit which was nice.

I have about 50% of games I’m about to win end in a rage quit. I understand in the grand scheme of things that it doesn’t matter but when I’m working hard to improve my game it’s really frustrating that my wins aren’t being represented on my rating.

Capcom seriously needs to get their shit together. There’s no point in playing ranked, it matches me up with people half my rank and the majority are rage quitters. It’s gotten to the point where I had to keep a list so I know who to avoid playing.

[details=Spoiler]ElBoon - UK - Cammy
RetroMixup - UK - Birdie
MrParwanaa- - UK - Ryu
Jijidalal7 - UK - Necali
Avacadoneson - UK - Nash
Phewbo - UK - Ryu

OsRee-San - France - Karin
Omnislasheur - France - Ryu
psykacrusha - France - Bison
TyromeBiggums - France - Rashid
The_Gaimer_PS4 - France - Zangief
EBAR-clAW - France - R.Mika

Mysterica- Germany - Laura
Shaquido - Germany - Birdie

Lewdoudou - Belgium Necali
CTRL_B - Belgium - Ryu

Rampagelex - Spain - Nash

Spoontz - Ken - Portugal

oumanzou - Moroco - Ryu

One-Punch-Man - Albania - FANG

Fridzmaster - Algeria - Birdie [/details]

All of the above are quitting bitches.

I’ve only played about 20 matches online so far. I did get one rage-quitter, didn’t catch his name though. Just remember that he was bearded Ryu.

Players around Bronze rank so far don’t seem to rage-quit thankfully. Looks like once you get around silver that changes though…

Hopefully the March patch includes penalties for rage-quitters. I don’t know who thought that a disconnect going unpunished was a good idea.

What the f*** the rage quitting is SOOOOOOO BAD!!! I have been rage quit on 5 times in the past 2 hours. I am not even that good… Capcom SERIOUSLY needs to address this ASAP. This is ruining the competitive landscape they were trying to create with the game. For Online players who dont have time to go to all of the tournaments, this is how we gauge our progress.

Get the eff out of here. If you can’t figure out how to beat a masher then you don’t need to play fighting games. Oh you’re salty because you can’t block and whiff punish? Exchange those ovaries for some balls and learn how to play, scrub.

edit: the server is weird today and I’m going to try to take the high road here and assume it was an honest d/c and redact this name n’ shame. I’ve never been to the land of non-salt; is it nice there?

That punkass rage quit on me too. He had a 34 win streak i bodied him. KING_MILLZ if anyone wants some