This is just for fun, if you don’t want anyone posting pictures of people you look like then just say so please. In other words, we will just talk about who you look like on IRC, and AIM chat rooms when your not there.
You cannot post pictures/videos of whom you think you look like. It is from the perspective of others on here that will post on who you look like. That way there is a higher probability that the person being called out will be surprised on who they look like rather than posting from their own perspective, and being pissed off about it, which is funny in certain circumstances.
Try to keep the the look-alike in line of what the individual really looks like please. For example: Frank cannot post a picture of a Hippo and say it looks like Super Joe, and I cannot post a picture of a pile of shit and call it Frank. Although both of us might at times look like the described pictures, there are more accurate images on the internet. So be creative yet fair.
Have fun! Fall/Winter is upon us and the weather makes us depressed since the sun becomes a fable rather than something we can prove existence in the cosmos.