after reading that TK Crescent Scythe can be canceled on any hit, that’s been my go-to incoming character mixup. early TK CS xx qcf+L to bring them to the ground with an assist to lock them down for one of X-23’s other mixups. she seems to get along exceptionally well with drones, imo, so I’ve been playing with that for the last while because then you get multiple left/rights with a fuzzy guard setup at the end. TK CS will eat up any attempt to airdash out, will force double jumps down into drones, etc. if they airdash into TK CS then they will fall into drones and you can use a TK L CS xx qcf+L to bring them down into a combo.
other tricks - call assist, do qcf+M to slide underneath them. works best with assists that are easy to hit confirm off of.ryu tatsu, drones, centurion rush. just dash up right underneath them and do raw launcher. can be almost as ambiguous as Magneto’s… the hitbox isn’t as good tho.
jump towards j.H j.S j.d+H xx dp+L xx qcf+L confirms into combos, looks like you really know your shit ahah… and forces them to the ground 100% of the time with an opportunity to call an assist for extra lockdown before the DP but it is difficult to space X-23’s j.H where it won’t get scooped up by an air throw. with really fast inputs, s.H xx feint cancel, jump towards, air throw but this one is difficult to get.
her incoming char mixup is just so dirty. you have to be very tight with your execution… even solo she has plenty of possibilities. DP never stops being a good option. d+H does a good job stopping double jumps and air dashes. the timing isn’t even that hard, but you have to make sure you get a DP right away to make yourself safe and continue the blockstring without getting thrown…
combo notes. some might be old news…
if you air throw from the right height, X-23 will space herself perfectly for you to do qcf+M OTG, s.L s.M s.H s.S. self OTG into launch. no xfactor. I’ll have to make a vid to illustrate the height I’m talking about though.
if you ever hit them with a combo starter that puts them in the corner, instead of normals just start doing dp+L xx qcf+L and land straight into a S. increases the damage of a lot of combos once you get a feel for how many DPs you can do.
c.M s.H MFC s.H xx qcb+H j.M j.H xx dp+L xx qcf+L, dp+L xx qcf+L, s.S …
c.M s.H xx qcb+M xx qcf+L, dp+L xx qcf+L, dp+L xx qcf+L, s.S …
if you are feeling like a robot made to combo you can squeeze in extra DPs by doing tiger knee DPs. super jump moves have more hitstun and will let the other guy fall further after qcf+L, letting you connect with a s.S sj.H xx dp+H xx qcf+L. it is possible to do
dp+L xx qcf+L, dp+L xx qcf+L, dp+L xx qcf+L, sj.dp+L xx qcf+L, s.S sj.H xx dp+H xx qcf+L, relaunch…
on any character that is not small or floaty. won’t work on Zero or Wolverine but it’ll work on Dante and the like. very difficult combo but it hurts… I’ve only done it once and am still grinding to try and get it again, but iirc it did 900k for one bar with Nova centurion rush to relaunch and drones to add a bit to the super. that seems high to me tho, could be misremembering. need moar time