A different combo with an otg can be performed thats very similar to the aforementioned ones, but because I’m executionally challenged I took out some of the harder aspects and it seems to deal roughly 680k dmg (with mashing):
s.:h: xx :qcb: :h:, j.:h: xx :qcf::l:, land, s.:h: xx :qcb: :h:, j.:h: xx :qcf::l:, (slight pause) s.:h::s:, sj. :h: xx :dp::h: xx :qcf::l:, land, :a1:, s.:s:, sj.:h: xx :dp::h:, land, :qcf:(fully charged)xx :qcf::atk::atk:
it works anywhere on screen so long as you include the slight pause for non-huge characters, medium and small need to drop slightly or you will cross yourself up mid air when you go to the superjump hits
It may not be optimal but I’ve found it to be a lot more practical /shrug
Note: I use wesker gun shot assist for the otg but I imagine any otg would do the trick there so as long as its fast enough
I was wondering though if you do that crossup on purpose, can you force a superjump tech into superjump grab? If so, any possibilities off of this?
the only thing I would recommend on that combo is after the assist call, immediately start charging a neck slicer. It will hit and give you a spinning knockdown state and you can still follow up with s.H, S or just S if hitstun is a bit high (also, I’m assuming you just left it out, but the talon attack L after the last CS). You can also just pop them with a s.L to force a low air tech and for for a throw reset if you’re against someone that doesn’t expect it.
Yeah I left it out, woops. Are you sure the hit stun won’t force a tech on the neck slice? That last crescent scythe is pretty tight from hit stun already
Charged neck slicer always causes a spinning knockdown against airborne opponents so they can’t tech out of that. There are cases where it might make the otg followup really hard to hit tho. (Depending on the combo.)
im running X-23/Nova/Wesker team and this team have an immense synergy, my normal combo cause 912k damage with x-23 + nova hyper and with xlvl 1 a can make 1.142k damage only with 1 bar and is SO CHEAP x-23 + nova overhead assist, theres only one thing that i want to know, theres any easy way to hit Silent Kill in somebody entering the screen ? i cant spam air S, if i jump and do air H and air S, the enemy can advance guard the H, the same if i use her shouryuken -_-
anytips ?
I’m still championing TK CS H as the goto for solo silent kill confirm. When you TK it, you’re able to cancel out of any hit so you can connect with the s even if they try to pushblock. I’ve only had one person be able to xf guard cancel throw and I think I messed up the TK in that match and the times it doesn’t connect it’s purely my fault. TK vs grounded makes a world of difference tho and grounded is really easy to get away from.
Also, hey QuasiDomo, if I would have known it would make you create an account I would have put out bad X-23/Doom tech a long time ago. Always like watching your matches and hope you stick around. Got that DHC corrected.
double edits: BCE, be sure to check out TMNTemps team vid if you haven’t already.
Haha thanks. I don’t really go on the forums for srk/eventhubs I was aimlessly surfing the web and saw your write up. Nice tech^^. I’ll try and be more active to help out
You have to instantly dhc to silent kill once the sphere flame comes out. From there, super jump STRAIGHT UP (any directional movement may mess up the trajectory) and at the tip of her super jump immediately qcf+fierce (fierce talon dive) then S. bada bing bada boom. DMG = 1.08 mil
So one thing I can’t seem to find much in depth information about is utilizing Dirt Nap. Sure there are a few things here and there but it seems there’s not a lot of DN tech out there. It seems to me that on paper Dirt Nap should be deadly. It has invisibility for 600 frames, which should allow for incredible combo startup/mixup opportunities, and it has the unblockable Silent Kill for 400k damage. Of course the downside is the fact that DN and SK are a two-part Level 3 Hyper.
So I’ve been messing with it a little bit to see what I can find out but I am NOT the best UMVC3 player and I’ve only been able to connect it at the end of simple BNB combos. I’m sure someone could similarly do it at the end of a more complicated combo, but I’m not there yet.
In that combo the timing of the DP assist and Dirt Nap are tight. I basically start the :qcb: and Tap :a1: just before the :atk::atk: in the Dirt Nap motion. She goes into Dirt Nap as Deadpool comes out, his assist hits OTG from the air combo and I basically spam :s: so that the SK will link after the assist.
The problem is that I use her at point and it’s difficult, as we all know, to get to 3 Hyper bars since nearly all of her combos that deal any kind of reasonable damage finish with Rage Trigger.
It’d seem that any useful Dirt Nap combo would deal much more damage than the 736k above but guarantee a hit in the same way the combo above does.
I’m also not seeing Dirt Nap used at all after a reset, which seems like the logical place to me to do it (if you can make it happen safely of course) for a sneaky extra chunk of damage.
I’m just trying to focus on being super competitive with X23 and this seems like a lightly tapped aspect of her potential. Let me know what you guys think.
What are some good X-23 mix-ups against a character entering after a character’s death? I’ve been doing Nova’s Rush assist + Feint and it works pretty well. The only problem with that is I lose the ability to use Nova for X-23 to relaunch and extend her combos. Is there any other mix-ups I can perform using X-23 by herself or with Hawkeye assist? Thanks.
About using dirt nap in combos:
DHCs will almost always get you more damage for the same, or less meter. If they don’t, you should practice better combos, or reconsider your team configuration.
dirt nap for resets:
Level 3 hypers don’t scale, so using it in a combo will get you the same damage as resetting with it. It’s true that you can reset into an invisible combo, but that’s kind of a waste - X-23 has amazing resets even without being invisible. Save the meter, do a regular reset, kill with DHCs at the end.
Exceptions: if you’ve got X-23 as anchor and no more x-factor, “resetting” with Dirt Nap can function basically as a lvl3 combo ender. Using it at neutral is iffy, of course, but you might be able to catch some telegraphed divekicks or something with the invincibility frames.
Check out luis1luis’ video in the combo video section of the guide. He did a lot of work in coming up with the best combos utilizing dirt nap and some stylish 1.25 mil damage 6 meter combos.
Dirt nap is best for getting an almost free kill on incoming, Imo. The only other time I’ll use it for the most part is if I have spare meter at the end of a match and wanna troll a bit. Of course, most of the lockdown assist will give you time to activate dirt nap and get a free hit in the middle of a match, as well. I’ll use shopping cart with a Mirage Feint M near the corner and, if I just HAVE to have the kill, I’ll activate dirtnap on hit or block for a free kill combo. My main beef with using it like this is most of the time you’ll be wasting some resources since a lot of the time people won’t be at full health.
For incoming/welcome Dirt Nap: If you don’t have an OTG you have to pop XF but since you have Deadpool, dirt nap near the corner/on incoming, otg assist + charged neck slicer into almost whatever combo you want to build the meter to end with rage trigger will kill almost anyone. Pop XF to get the kill on beefier guys.
Reset theorycraft: Probably the best way to run a dirt nap reset would be combo > otg assist + Silent Kill > s.L to force a low air tech then a quick jump S (a la unblockable low air throw reset). Most of the otg assists will be available in time to otg again for you afterwards so you don’t have to pop XF to relaunch. (and I don’t remember the exact height requirement, but in the corner you might even be able to do the dash in c.M assistless followup in certain situation.) Might be the best way to kill Thor level health characters if you have the meter for some reason.
That makes a lot of sense about the DHC’s and resets. Now that I think of it, that seems to be the case with a lot of Level 3 Hypers in the game. Good info.
Wow, thanks for the info Merkyl. Good stuff there too.
Dirt Nap is one of her most powerful tools. It makes X-23 terrifying once she gets ~2 and a half bars. Any decent combo can end in a snap back and then you get a free kill on the character of their choice. It’s just not the greatest tool for her neutral game since it’s too easy to lose track of her when she’s invisible.
Wow, I don’t know how I missed that luis1luis video. Big help. I still gotta focus on getting in a little better with her and mastering MFC. But at least I have a better idea of how to make Dirt Nap more useful, thanks Merkyl.
By the way, GREAT job on the kick ass thread. I can’t wait to see it as it fills in.
FR and moving into a new apartment have kinda slowed me down, lately. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back into fleshing things out soon. If you see anything that’s not filled out yet, feel free to send me your take on it and I’ll see about getting it added in. It’s a pretty huge project all together so it’s def. gotta be a community thing.