Finally getting to The Last Remnant on PC.
Somewhat of an Old JPRG, but hooooooooooooly fuck does it run so much better than the Xbox 360. It’s almost an entire new game, and plays a hell of a lo faster. I know PC versions of games normally run better (like Xcom, DmC, etc), but this is such a huge differences it’s kinda blowing my mind.
360 version, every other animation had this entire 3 second delay when characters would do special attacks or cast spells, and I thought that was part of the animation. Playing the PC, they do the abilities almost instantly. Aside from Frame Rate issues, you can actually see the enemies on the battle field. Fuck, they really messed up putting this game on Consoles.
Anyone playing metal slug 3 here when it comes out? If i can play with an arcade stick or dualshock 3 withit thenits not even a question about buying it
I played Descent the day it launched, loved it back in the day, but like Doom and most other old school FPS’s they don’t offer comepelling game play worth coming back to over and over again. If Strike Vector is half as fun as the trailer makes it look I could see myself playing it competitively for years.
From what I played its not like the trailer. Everyone picked the same weapon (there is like 10 or so) that shot like 6 homing missles at a time. All of the battles happened out in the open, not flying through shit all cool, with style and shit. The level I played was tiny with a floating building in the center that you could fly and fight in and open air above it to fight in. Everyone was just flying up top killing each other with homing missiles. The ships are tiny and freakin’ hard to see.
Maybe it just needs some gettin’ used to but it wasnt that fun to me.
Never heard of The Ship, but I impulsively bought it just now because the concept is really unique and I’m a sucker for murder mystery anything and it’s $4. Please buy it so I have people to play with lol.
is steam down for anyone right now? i just randomly lost connection to it and when i go to login it tells me it cannot establish a connection and asks whether i want to start in offline mode.
the shadow warrior reboot is amazing, probably one of the freshest fps games to come out in years. i love all the move mechanics and dashing the game offers, reminds me of unreal tournament 2k4. at least it does something new and it’s quite enjoyable. it was a hella long game as well, i think my first playthrough was 14 hours.
Man, I played that waaaaaaaay back in the day. It was before it’s time. Very fun game. I kinda miss it. Didn’t know it’s still around I’ll get Steam installed again and holla at you with my info. :tup: