kallari supposedly has really crazy ratios on her skills and can snowball really wildly out of control, but her ult is pretty inconsistent on hit detection (and she absolutely depends on killing or at least 80%ing you with it) so a lot of good kallaris just play grux instead.
Been noticing quite a few Howitzers the past few days.
I’m also tempted to take Steel for a run. I love playing TB, but I feel like a point guard - I setup a ton of kills and get the assists. I’ve had games w/ like 4 kills and 16 assists, which is dope - but sometimes I just want the kill. I feel like until I get Impact Hammer to drop for me, I’ll be running CP3 style PG. Hopefully when that Impact Hammer drops, I can play more of a Russell Westbrook style - kills and assists all day.
i’ve always believed howitzer is a lot better than the bottom tier placing most people give him. gadget too. they’re just a lot harder to play effectively.
by the way, gadget is currently bugged and throws two sticky bombs instead of one. if you see more of her, that’s why.
I love how everyone is crying to get Murdock nerfed when Sparrow is the best carry in the game. Gonna be funny when he gets nerfed and Sparrow gets even stronger as a result.
I think less people complain about Sparrow b/c at this point most folks are playing using matchmaking and she doesn’t have any type of escape. On a pre-made that knows what they’re doing, she’s basically unstoppable right now.
Yeah, they just look at the one time they got one shorted by a fed Murdock who had Damage buff and Prime Orb and shout out OP without looking at the entire picture. Sure Murdock hits hard but Sparrow hits just as hard, crits YOUR ENTIRE TEAM in 2 seconds and doesnt have to worry about missing shots while gaining increased damage per shot. Let’s not even talk about how strong her push is, or her ability to root far away targets, or her ability to deny areas and pathways from people in travel mode.
Anyway, Feng Mao is quickly becoming one of my favorite heroes to play. His kit is so well thought out and fun to use. I never played him pre-nerf and it’s funny because I am destroying people with him. I can only imagine how herp derp he was before.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that people really haven’t got a hang on how to build yet and gimp themselves by building 12 point cards at the start of the game. By the time they’ve finished that card I’m about to start on my third card while still having pots and wards. I may not do 250 damage per shot but I’ve already got my 50% crit bonus and a 40% chance to crit. Shit is hilarious when someone gets hit with that early crit and their life just disappears.
I actually realized that this past weekend. From all the starter guides I read, it was best to build up a card before adding another. I decided to try going to a second a lot earlier and the difference was immediately noticeable. I really need to some Major Guard cards if they exist. My Tempered Plate is basically useless w/o it.
it’s one of the good points of the card system, your characters’ power spikes and troughs are determined more by your deck than by the character’s actual kit. (or you can put five impact hammers in your deck and have a power curve that’s completely smooth)
it’s probably going to get rebalanced before the game goes live though, something like a bonus (or penalty) to the completion bonus based on how much CP is spent completing an item. getting basically an infinity edge for 6 CP is too good lol.
Played this a few times, it looks like it has a lot of promise. My tolerance level for solo queueing MOBAs has officially dropped to zero at this point though. If this had come out right after Dawngate died, I’d probably have gone in harder. As it stands now SF5 is out, Dark Souls 3 is out, Overwatch is on the way. Just haven’t found a reason to invest in another MOBA grind right now, especially when I’m not a huge fan of the card system.
Won most of the Sparrow games I played until the last couple times, played with friends of mine who just aren’t into MOBAs much and only tried it because it was from Epic. Maybe you guys can sell me on another run at this.
If you’re like me and solo queuing then the only reason to play is to get familiar with heroes and builds that interest you. More and more premades are starting to appear and winning goes out the window. I personally don’t trust a match made team to a) work together and b) understand basic MOBA strategic theories, etc. I’ve had way too many teammates try to save a tower by jumping in head first 1v3 before the rest can get there to expect anything different.
I love the card system w/ the exception of the random drops. I currently can’t compete late game w/ an opposing TB who has Impact Hammer. It’s his strongest card and just hasn’t dropped for me yet. Whether that’s a problem w/ the card or the system is up for debate.
Movement and movement abilities are the game’s biggest issues though. I like the current default movement since this is a MOBA, but I do wonder whether speeding the game up and giving towers more XP health would be better. There’s something about being forced to move so slow in a third-person perspective that I understand can be annoying and less appealing to a lot of players.
Then there’s melee movement abilities that are ridiculous. The advantage in playing a ranged character is that you can do your thing from afar and have a few tools to keep it that way. The advantage to melee is that once you get inside those defenses, you can destroy any ranged character. The problem comes in that it’s way too easy for a melee to get in on ranged. They currently either have more abilities to close distance than ranged have to widen it and in other cases melee just laugh at what you do have available. The amount of options need to be equal on both sides so that the chess match can take place.
That’s 100% a flaw of the system for a game like this, and it’s a similar issue that drove me away from Supernova as well after Dawngate closed. People can debate that it’s not a problem, but it definitely makes me not want to invest more time in a game like this.
Yeah base movement and movement speed penalties need a look at. People can backpedal while attacking and it takes too long for you to get to them if you’re running forward.
Had a big comeback win last night. Was trying a new build on a revised deck, so I wasn’t playing well early. The opponent had us down to zero inhibitors and our core to 60-something percent, to their completely protected inhibitors. Teammate calls for a surrender, I voted against because you don’t get to play like crap and then just surrender. Folks need to feel the results of playing poorly.
We push them back and win a huge team fight, wiping their entire side. We push their mid, taking down the a tower, inhibitor and getting their core to about 70%. They begin to panic and everyone tried to play the hero, allowing us to pick them apart one-by-one until our inhibitors all come back up. We push their mid again, win another team fight and then just zerg their core for the dub.
All of you experienced peoples need to help me with some tips and tactics to scrub the scrub off of my scrub ass. Game ain’t showing me one single reason as to why I shouldn’t hit delete right now.