The Ouroboros Mixups/Combo Thread

This thread will cover Ouroboros and its uses.
Ouroboros is Strider’s trademark super. When activated it summons 2 satellites that circle around him, and lets him fire off rings depending on which strength of attack you press. It is best used for it’s mix up potential while in XF lvl3, but it is not limited to XF go nuts/berzerk mode. While using Ouroboros over Ragnarok, you are sacrificing guaranteed damage for possible damage. It is essential you are able to mix your opponent up, or complete full combos to get it’s full use. Feel free to post your own uses/combos you think are viable, don’t be stingy with your finds!


Grounded Opponents
Diet - Tiger Knee QCF+:m: > Press :h: while Excalibur hits > :h: while falling. repeat ~400-550k(non xf) depending on character.

Airborne Opponents:
Diet - j.H > QCF+ :l: > land repeat. ~400k(non xf)This combo works well on all size characters and is fairly easy to do. It’s mainly known as an XF3 loop, but also works outside of XF with ouroboros.

<reserve just in case>

Heres my oroboros mixup. Basically I activate them then pop xfactor and mash all the buttons while mashing vajiras

lol, thats what im trying to discourage. Learn to control that madness instead of just putting your face on the controller and goin nuts.

Interesting. I think I found out one but I need to test it out first.

Some Strider’s kill my character, pop Orbs, then Wall cling and switch back and forth. I never blocked it once in my life.

top tier tactic. especially in xfact lv 3.

I was just trolling lol

This is a nice idea for a thread, hopefully oroborus develops into something more than just x-factor, smash my face on the fight sticks.

k started usin strider since he works wonders with Chris but what’s the deal with oroborus? super short time for a level 3…i could see that time limit on a level 1 but damn it’s really short. Is there really combo potential with that thing or is it just a mix up and mash till your opponent dies type of thing? Because honestly there’s much risk in using 3 bars on something that is so short and out of control

If you aren’t using the wall cling crossups for some reason, you can stop pressing buttons so there is an opening in the ring blockstun, teleport M for a crossup. The input for teleport counts as a ring input that hits ambiguously depending on distance. Then I do a jump orb combo followed by rolling my face on the controller for dash under mixups and repeat.

Orbs has a lot of use outside of raw damage. In casuals lots of matches I’ve had Strider at a sliver of health and 3 bars versus opponents character with about 1/4 health. Strider can pop orbs, run safe mixups to score a hit and kill the character before tagging out to heal. Most characters can at best save themselves, not burn meter to all but guarantee a kill.

Damage wise I’ve seen claims of 600k orbs combos.

Personally I’m feeling that popping orbs is like popping a V combo in the alpha series. You can almost guarantee more damage by intentionally doing single hits that mixup high/low, but are all but impossible to block. I won’t be surprised if you can hit 800k with intentional short hits into resets.

WHEN you get the opponent opened up you can just spam forward dashes (that include the use of Heavy) that way you will dash forward throw orbs and land as many heavy’s as possible this also does over 900k in XF3

this thread is about maximizing your damage in oro… if you do land an air hit, how will dashing with orbs+heavy work? they won’t always be on the ground.

I’m using Strider as an anchor against crazy XF Weskers, so this is a great thread. Hope you come up with more stuff, Diet!

im really hoping other people chime in with what they like to do in situations… but ya

I hear you. I’ve been pairing him up with Chris, but I’m trying to learn Strider since I don’t want him to be “JUST SPAM ORBS XF3”. I am very much struggling to find a third character to go with them, though I might use Captain America to support the two as the point man.

Well to be perfectly honest i havent seen anyone make a post about an oroborus combo that does more damage then what i stated so i have the MAXIMIZED damage at this point. I understand what your gettin at but im just throwing a suggestion out there im sure there will be better ways to get damage but this is just something i found that someone could use

sorry if it sounded like i was attacking you, i was just curious if you did have an alternate combo if they happened to get hit airborne.
The combos I posted are nonxf damage. I know the j.h> qcf+l loop does over 1.4mil in lvl 3 XF. while the TK M Excalibur loop does around 800-1mil but only owkrs on larger characters.

One thing about mashing Ouroburos

If they are in blockstun, the oppotent will not be crossed up. When you are blockstun, the game blocks left/right mixups for you. If you teleport, delay your blockstring so the oppotent must guess where to block. Pushblock puts a character a lot of blockstun…so keep that in mind.