Yeah, I know we have another thread called Omega Vega, but this is a concise manual for him. What you can do, what you can’t. You’ll be surprised! I promise
I’m pretty much done with Ultra especially with SF5 on the horizon, so lately I’ve been playing around with Omega more. It’s so much more fun doing lab work with Omega Vega. Documenting all the things you can do.
Nomenclature for this guide:
[] CH = Cosmic Heel
[] PoM = Piece of Mercury
[] DC = Discard Claw (forward, down, down forward + any punch)
[] DM = Discard Mask (forward, down, down forward + any 2 punch)
[] FBA = Flying Barcelona Attack (charge down in any direction, up in any direction + any kick)
[] CS = Claw Slash (press any punch at any point after FBA)
[] ID = Izuna Drop (press any direction + punch above the opponent’s head after FBA)
[] RT = Rose Thorn (press any kick at any point after FBA)
[] RCF = Rolling Crystal Flash (charge back in any direction, forward + any punch)
[] SHJ = Sky High Jump (charge down in any directoin, up in any direction + any punch)
[] SHC = Sky High Claw (press any punch at any point after SHJ)
[] ST = Scarlett Terror ( !this is going to blow your mind! charge down in any direction or back in any direction, forward + any kick *this is not an error)
[] FBS = Flying Barcelona Special (charge down back, down forward, down back, up in any direction + any kick)
[] RID = Rolling Izuna Drop (any direction + punch near the opponent’s head after FBS)
[] BHC = Bloody High Claw (charge down back, down forward, down back, up in any direction + 3 kicks)
[] SC = Splendid Claw (charge down back, forward in any direction, back in any direction, forward in any direction + 3 kicks)
TC = Target Combo (chain cl.LK and HK)
FA = Focus Attack (MP + MK)
FADC = Focus Attack Dash Cancel (MP + MK xx 2x forward or hold forward in any direction or back in any direction + MP + MK then tap forward or back)
[] cl = close
[] cr = crouching
[*] s = standing
[] LP = light punch
[] MP = medium punch
[] HP = heavy punch
[] LK = light kick
[] MK = medium kick
[] HK = heavy kick
[] L = light
[] M = medium
[*] H = heavy
, = link
xx = cancel
xx.XX = proximity.BUTTON
^^ = juggle
cr.LP, cr.MP xx MP.RCF = crouching.Light Punch linked into crouching.Medium Punch canceled into Medium Punch.Rolling Crystal Flash
- or-
cr.LP, cr.MP xx EX.FBA = crouching.Light Punch linked into crouching.Medium Punch canceled into EX.Flying Barcelona Attack[/details]
Normal attacks and their properties
[details=Spoiler]cl.LP - no links, special cancel, super cancel, FADC (does not combo)
cl.MP - no links, special cancel, super cancel, FADC (does not combo)
cl.HP - links with st.LK, st.HK, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.HP, cr.MK, special cancel, super cancel, FADC (does not combo)
cl.LK - links with cl.LP, cl.LK, st.HK, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK, no special cancel, no super cancel, no FADC
cl.MK - links with cl.LP, cl.LK, st.LP, st.LK, st.HK, special cancel, super cancel, FADC (does not combo)
cl.HK - N/A (same as st.HK)
st.LP - no links, special cancel, super cancel
st.MP - no links, no special cancel, no super cancel
st.HP - no links, no special cancel, no super cancel
st.LK - links with st.LP, st.HK, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.MK, special cancel, super cancel, FADC (does not combo)
st.MK - no links, no special cancel, no super cancel, no FADC
st.HK - no links, no special cancel, no super cancel, FADC (combos for a knock down)
cr.LP - links with st.LP cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK, special cancel, super cancel, FADC (does not combo)
cr.MP - no links, special cancel, super cancel, FADC (does not combo)
cr.HP - no links, no special cancel, no super cancel, no FADC
cr.LK - links with cl.LK, special cancel, super cancel, FADC (does not combo)
cr.MK - links with cr.LP, cr.MP, st.HK, special cancel, super cancel, FADC (does not combo)
cr.HK - no links, no special cancel, no super cancel, no FADC
Note: Although I don’t have the equipment and software at the moment to get frame data, I’m guessing cl.LK has been changed to 3 frames of start up. I’m guessing cl.LK is +4 on hit for a 2 frame link into itself or a 1 frame link into the other normal attacks it can link to. Since cr.LK is still 4 frames of start up, but is only +3 on hit, then it can still link into cl.LK but not cr.LP or cr.MP, which is exactly how it works. We finally have a 3 frame move in our arsenal while having our claw. This changes when we don’t, which I’ll update later.
Special, Super, and Ultra attack changes
[details=Spoiler]DC has a use now since without his claw he can chain his punches for new combos and frame data.
DM is now permanent for a damage increase and can be used mid combo as a sort of FADC.
FBA now can claw slash, Izuna drop, or dive kick and recovers faster.
RCF light and medium have the same start up. Light attacks can combo into medium now. Heavy can still be used in a combo from a heavy attack, but not on all characters.
SHC now is a neutral jump until you press a punch button. Light, medium, and heavy all have different heights for different usage scenarios. It also now breaks armored attacks.
ST is now active earlier for light and medium and hits lower, less whiffing, and combos into non-EX versions. Can combo into other attacks as long as it doesn’t hit twice.
EX.FBA can no longer Izuna Drop if the knee hits on the way up. If the knee doesn’t hit, you can decide between the usual options of normal FBA.
EX.RCF now costs 2 meters. As a trade off, it’s much faster starting up, still goes through fireballs, and does more damage. It’s also a sort of auto-combo now.
EX.SHC has no noticeable changes.
EX.ST has no changes, unless you have 2 or more meters, making it do more damage and acting as a sort of auto-combo.
FBS now goes through fireballs like USF4 BHC, and hits lower to the ground in the same way USF4 BHC does. Good for long range fireball punishes. If you hit with Vega’s knee and launch the opponent up, you can’t RID, you’ll FBS instead. RID can only be used if you do not hit with the knee on the way up. The damage is a little better using FBS now, since RID no longer gets the extra damage from the knee. The maximum damage FBS has is 450, the knee hit for 50 plus all the claw slashes for 400. RID still does 400, the first two drops does 100 each and the final 200. Not bad.
BHC now can be used for combos. The knee on the way up hits higher than in USF4, it’s more similar to SSF4 2012, so you can’t do nearly full screen fireball punishes anymore. You have to be closer. No big deal though, BHC has a whole lot of utility now that you can combo into it off some good CH or ST reads. For ST to combo, you have to make sure it only hits once. This is regardless of on the ground or in the air, as long as it hits once from any strength you can combo into BHC. CH can hit twice and still combo into BHC. This means you can target combo into BHC as well.
SC doesn’t seem changed much from USF4. You can still combo into it from CH, but it has to be a single hit CH only. You can’t combo if CH hits twice. You can’t combo into SC from ST no matter what you do.
Inputs for special moves are listed up in the nomenclature until I move and clean this up later. There are some changes, so check it out.
Combos Note: They are not the same on everyone. Some characters are affected by hit stun differently than others, some characters have extended hurt boxes over others so some things will combo and some things won’t. For example, on Ryu, j.HP, cl.HP xx h.RCF does not combo, but it will combo on Hakan.
Combos that start off s.LK
[] s.LK, s.LP
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx L.RCF[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx M.ST
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx M.ST ^^ EX.FBA
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx M.ST ^^ EX.FBA ^^ CS[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx M.ST ^^ M.ST[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx M.ST ^^ H.ST[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx M.ST ^^ EX.ST[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx M.ST ^^ FBS[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx M.ST ^^ BHC[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx H.ST
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx H.ST ^^ EX.FBA
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx H.ST ^^ EX.FBA ^^ CS[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx H.ST ^^ M.ST[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx H.ST ^^ H.ST[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx H.ST ^^ EX.ST[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx H.ST ^^ FBS[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LP xx H.ST ^^ BHC[/list]
[] s.LK, s.LK
[list][] s.LK, s.LK, cr.MP
[list][] s.LK, s.LK, cr.MP xx BSP[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LK, cr.MP xx BSK[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LK, cr.HP[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LK, cr.MK
[list][] s.LK, s.LK, cr.MK xx BSP[/list]
[list][] s.LK, s.LK, cr.MK xx BSK[/list]
[] s.LK, s.HK
[list][] s.LK, s.HK xx FA[/list]
[] s.LK, cr.LP
[list][] s.LK, cr.LP, cr.MP
[list][] s.LK, cr.LP, cr.MP xx BSP[/list]
[list][] s.LK, cr.LP, cr.MK xx BSK[/list]
[list][] s.LK, cr.LP xx BSP[/list]
[list][] s.LK, cr.LP xx BSK[/list]
[] s.LK, cr.MP
[list][] s.LK, cr.MP xx BSP[/list]
[list][] s.LK, cr.MP xx BSK[/list]
[] s.LK, cr.HP
[] s.LK, cr.MK
[list][] s.LK, cr.MK, cr.MP
[list][] s.LK, cr.MK, cr.MP xx BSP[/list]
[list][] s.LK, cr.MK, cr.MP xx BSP[/list]
New: LK.SHJ over fireballs to build meter, SHC during the jump to punish a fireball if you do SHJ a little earlier in prediction.
New: Because of the new input for ST, you can walk forward CH, charge down forward while executing CH, forward + any kick to combo into ST. More mobile options now without having to go to down back or down at any point.
To be continued…