ToG isn’t exactly impressing me. I think I’ll go play ToD:DC again if I want to use the CC system.
There is multiplayer and there is free run. They balanced free run by giving it a huge cc cost. Basically you lose cc as long as you’re free running. There may be an infinity movement extra like there was after completing ToDr.
Wouldn’t be the first time Namco gave a resounding fuck you to the US
yea ive come to accept this.
damn it. now i’m not sure if i should wait for a possible ps3 version in english or just get the xbox 360 version of vesperia at least if i get the 360 version it’s cheaper now.
ToG bring in anything new to Tales that you liked? I’m still wondering about the dual fighting styles each the MC has.
Edit: ^ get the 360 version, you will thank yourself later.
Tales of the Abyss coming to 3DS. No news yet about localization or new features, or whether the Tales game with the thematic focus on scores and music will actually have a soundtrack that isn’t synthy, repetitive garbage. Yes I’m bitter.
WTB a new soundtrack, composed by the guys that did Halo Reach. I’m dead serious. A re-do on some of the English voices would be nice, as the voice actors were professionals but the voice work felt rushed, like it was on a deadline. A “Guy mode” (where you play the game from his perspective") would also be nice.
Also WTB a second half of the game that advances the story and isn’t just town-hopping.
Dr. B 3D
Is sho’nuff makin’ you pee
With nothing but glee
What’s news-worthy to put in the topic?
Any suggestions?
I’ve been out of the Tales loop unfortunately since nothing new has been localized. =/
As specs put up, Tales of the Abyss is gonna be on 3DS, so that’s good news.
Sweet, another Tales game i’ll never get to play until I learn Japanese
Fuck Namco
Done. though I don’t know what will happen, it can’t hurt
Still hoping for a Tales of Vesperia PS3 localization…
They need to put this stuff on PC. The fanbase is just too spread out over all these consoles, and honestly both of the “gaming” consoles suck, and the casual console sucks even more but has a user base. If you’re going to jump around on consoles all you’re doing is screwing the fanbase. Either multi-plat the games or just pick and stick with one. I’d suggest going with Wii and DS because of how large the install base is. And I don’t want to hear shit about Wii’s graphics not being good enough, ALL consoles have shitty graphics. If you want to make any graphics argument, you’re forced to make an argument for PC. Since PS3 and 360 owners don’t want that, they should just shut up and go with the Wii because it’s the cheapest option.
But the big reason for PC is because JRPGs would be absolutely, completely, totally revived if they were moddable. Japan has absolutely no idea what it is doing anymore and doesn’t even try to give the fans what they want, instead insisting on forcing garbage down everyone’s throat in an effort to “improve” or “be like WRPGS.” The big draw of the WRPGS is moddability, and then these companies taking the modder’s ideas and implementing them in future versions, and catering to what people want.
I’m a diehard JRPG fan and I’ve been pushed completely out of the genre. Vesperia was awesome and I played it on 360, but that’s about 2 years ago now. Since then we’ve got nothing. Re-releasing and putting it on PS3 won’t actually help anyone. We need more, newer games, and on one console or all of them at once if we’re sticking with console releases. If somebody could convince Namco that a multi-plat release including PC release with mod tools would be a good idea maybe we’d all get to enjoy this genre again. Instead about the best I can do is read nuklear power to relive the former greatness.
lol isnt FilthyRich the tekken player? if so he’s cool people. far too cool for namco to listen to.
i gave up on the Tales franchise. no reason to think about games i’ll never get to play.
yeah the Tekken player, he’s the new namco rep
Look at the mainsteam “gamers” in America these days - they have nothing but contempt for JRPGs; nothing but contempt for Japanese games, period. They couldn’t care less, so long as they get their Madden 0X, Halo, and whatnot.
And they are the new, infinitely larger, audience, with ironically severely narrower tastes to which companies now cater.
And thus companies couldn’t give a fuck about we, the O.G. gamers, the ones who were around when Japan was awash with budding creative talent, and that talent was allowed to flourish.
We have now entered a new dark ages of gaming - the American Unenlightenment, where all the things that came before, or from abroad, are “outdated” or not meant for the sophistication and refined tastes" of American gamers.
Ergo FF13.
Ergo DQ finding a haven on the DS.
Ergo no Tales games making over here, for those of us who hold the torch for what gaming used to, and still should, be.
I am very nearly quits with this generation of gaming; if it doesn’t pick up, I see myself moving on, and focusing my energies on other of my interests.
People can say I’m behind the times, that I just don’t get it, that hindsight paints previous generations of gamers in a grander, more vibrant swath of color than they merit.
Fuck them.
I’m going to go boot up the fan-translated Seiken Densetsu 3, and enjoy a truly epic game.
Miyamoto S. wept.
As I see it.
That’s not entirely true. FF series and SE in general has a huge following in the West, just they drop the ball repeatedly and put out crap. LO and Blue Dragon, as well as Vesperia were all good games more in the vein of old school RPGs and all did well and got a lot of praise. LO wasn’t even that good and it got overpraised because the fanbase was just so starved for anything.
I agree that DS is pretty much the haven. I have to go play Golden Sun myself. Perhaps I just need to get used to RPGs being on portables. I wish Namco would get games onto the DS then if that’s the route we’re going.
Jrpg’s in general are and have been much more devoid of creativity and solid progressive design then the halos and maddens fans bitch about which is what’s dwindling the market for them as much as the profitability of those other genres. Jrpg developers haven’t been able to evolve with the times, look at the modern jrpgs they’re not too different from everything we played 10 years ago.
Lost Odyssey is one of if not the best jrpg on 360 but it’s not so great that I’d be willing to keep paying for more of it with graphics face lifts.