The "Official" SSBM Thread

HOE ASS FORWARD WATS THE DAMN DEAL??? Mewtwo playing ass nigga

The damn deal is iā€™m going to pound2 this weekend, who else is going?

I want to. Too short notice though.

Go rape some people Forward. Iā€™ll see you at FC.

I canā€™t go.=[

bump. Has anybody seen the new updates? Zelda is in now. Hereā€™s hoping for Koopa or Koopa jr, and them actually getting some potential good moves. Is anybody gonna main Snake and Wario because I know I am. But my 3rd favorite Nintendo character better be on there.

MOTHERFUCKING STAR WOLF FTMFW! If they were to put him on the game with falco and fox he would be the Gouki of the game. Low Defense+Falcoā€™s power+Foxā€™s Speed=Star Wolf

Would Wolf have even worse recovery as Falco? Dear god. Or maybe just a worse sidestep and a shield that rivals the power of Mr. Game&watch.

Star Wolf would be tight. Iā€™m gonna play all the space animals regardless. I already play Falco/Fox.

Falco is already the Gouki of SSBM.

Is there a way I can enable the c-stick to do the attacks (instead of moving camera) in training mode?

A sample of my powerā€¦and this is me in my scrubby mode on a bad dayā€¦(I dont even own a copy of meleeā€¦lolz)


damn I want brawl now :frowning:

Unfortunately there is none. :frowning:


Iā€™ve actually been to a lot of tourneys where Gimpyfish and a lot of other top players came, shit is too funny to watch. Iā€™m happy for where I live cause there are a lot of top fighting game players are, here. Including smash

Eggz(Mario), Gimpyfish(Boozer and Ganon), Tori (Falco), Ka-Masta (Luigi), Reggie/Hero (Young Link and Captain Falcon) just to name a few.

Crazy kids.

Iā€™m not a smash player myself, but I love watching it. Plus Boozer looks like a race car when he dashes. But he plays a lot like Ganondorf ie; lots of l-cancelling.

Anyone have matches from any of the EVOs? Iā€™m assuming Ken didnā€™t go to EVO East, and North since I didnā€™t see his name in the finals. I donā€™t know any of the actual player names, I just know their gamertag name. Some help?

Unless you really need training mode features, like the combo counter or slowing the game down. You should practice in versus mode. Just put on a level 1 computer and practice whatever you need. Just donā€™t practice against anything besides level 1, the higher level computers have weird attributes.

Just search ssbm evo east on youtube and I know youā€™ll get all of the videos from evo east. Donā€™t know about the other evoā€™s though.

I donā€™t think youā€™ll expect Ken in any evo aside from west. Kens been really slacking it lately for some reason. hell you hardly see him taking high placings anymore if at all. most likely he just doesnā€™t care anymore he always said he was going to retire. since M2k Kdj and PC are incredably good now I guess heā€™s really gonna retire lol.

heā€™s still the best in the world. <___<

I think that heā€™ll have a strong showing at Evoā€¦ Since Mew2K has picked up Marth and rapes with him, Ken will have to show every1 whoā€™s the boss.

Phloat talks about some pros quitting.

Ken was eclipsed by PC a while ago. And now KDJ and m2k are both better than him as well. His shit was ridiculous, original, and ahead of the curve a couple years ago. Now a lot of people have caught up to him and kept on getting better while he stayed the same.

Wolf seems like a more tech user, he might have weaponized normals and a jetpack recovery.


Iā€™m picking up Jigglypuff for team matches. Can anyone help me on team coordination and team tactics with Jiggly? Iā€™m working with a good Samus. But we keep getting raped a lil by team space animals (fox/falco).