The Official PS3 thread

Potentially stupid question and also incredibly late.
Is the Collectors Edition of Dragon Age worth it? Like the extra equipment and character? Cause I plan on picking up DA:O and DA: Awakenings and was just wondering if the extra dlc was worth it.

Oh and in before "play it on PC instead"
I’m not a pc gamer and likely never will be.

for consoles the DLC is prolly worth it - PC you can pretty much make your own shit in the modding tools to be equal to it, if you want, or just go batshit and make something ridiculous

the content otherwise is fairly short and nothing omgworthy

well i failed my last final and i hope to get a D in the class.

at least i finally have time to play gow 3 now.

Pretty sure you misunderstood my question. I don’t care about the PC version at all. Ever.
I was asking about the PS3 Collectors edition DLC which is the bonus character Shale and the pieces of armor you get.

But I did some research on my own and found out you can buy Shale’s quest and that it’s not exclusive to the Collectors edition. So I’ll just pick up the regular version.

if you buy a new copy of dragon age it should come with the stone prisoner quest on a card in the case

regardless if it’s CE or not?

Would be pretty pointless to do so. I just wish it comes sooner rather later.

Ouch, hope you pass bro. :woot:

Yes, because I got it in my regular edition that I bought.

Good to know. :smiley: You just saved me like 30 bucks. <3

Uhhh like I said, for consoles it’s probably worth it - I was just using the PC as a comparison, where it isn’t really worth it as you can do w/e the hell you want

but that’s cool

Lol I didn’t find it for like 2 weeks until I asked my buddy how he got it and he said flip the card over. :stuck_out_tongue:

Beat GoW3. I now have zero games to look forward to for the year. Poop.

Reads recent discussion on BC for PS3. Hugs first gen Model PS3.

I love my BC PS3. Only time I’ve ever been happy i jumped on a first gen piece of hardware.

If only it didn’t have the 2 frames of lag issue. Sucks for fighters/music games, but still good for RPGs I guess.
If they ever give CvS2 the marvel treatment, then I could finally return my friend’s ps2…

I haven’t seen any documentation on that. I personally don’t notice it either, not even on GGAC+.

Eh, gimmie PS2 games we can buy off the PS Store, then I’ll give a damn about BC on PS3.

I can live with my fat PS2/HD Advance combo running games at a fraction of their normal load times in 480i 'til then.

guh. on the door step of beating ff13, decide to go back to see what else i missed and start farming…

omg, i missed a whole entire section of chapter 11.

now i’ve been running back and forth for hours, and i can see myself doing this for a very very long time.

so i stopped and started playing yakuza.

Beat the second boss in RoF, had a MUCH easier time doing it since I’m getting a hang of the system, but I still died once. The arena is pretty awesome too and can be just as challenging as any other part of the game.

Also, it is surprisingly fun to mess with the characters outfits lol

Yeah, I didn’t think much of customizing outfits when I heard about it, but it’s actually pretty cool since the clothes you put on affect cutscenes. I wonder if you can change hairstyles.