Trading in a shitty game and getting an other one made by the same team… You’re persistent.
In all seriousness though I hope it turns out to be good. I’ll wait for your feedback!
Trading in a shitty game and getting an other one made by the same team… You’re persistent.
In all seriousness though I hope it turns out to be good. I’ll wait for your feedback!
I had a 250 sitting around. I have some music and movies on my PS3. I stream most of my stuff to but sometimes it’s nice ot just have it right there.
Yet another reason to not buy FFXIII and but RoF instead.
Jesus, Demon’s Souls is so pimp. I’m glad From Software got sales with this one, it totally deserves it.
I can’t wait for 3D Dot Game Heroes. The latest trailer is too funny.
You’re starting to sound like a broken disk. It’s truly annoying.
Seriously. Plus it’s Sega. When is the last time they did anything worth mentioning?
for sure. I’m definitely going to cop dat and I never buy single player games.
woooo Got that RoF, playing now.
It’s not Sega though, it’s tri-ace, this is their first game with Sega even.
Mad brah is mad.
Sega didn’t make the game, Tri-Ace did. If we’re playing the “it has Sega’s name on it so they made it” game, then Bayonetta HIGHLY disagrees with your statement.
EDIT: Damn you Gasaraki, I can’t get my copy because I’m at work. ._.
Let us know how it is…I’m holding off on getting it until I can lower my gaming backlog/get a job.
Yakuza 3…
I haven’t played Bayonetta and I don’t plan to because it looked dumb as hell to me.
And Yakuza would be fine if they didn’t take so much of the game out. I was okay with taking a few mini-games out that didn’t effect the game. But taking out almost 20% of a game? No thanks.
Really? That’s the smartest thing you came up with? No I’m not mad, I’m just pointing out your ridiculous posts. You’re obviously the one who is mad since you keep saying the same stuff over and over for the past two weeks. You remind me of those super disappointed fanboys on gamefaqs. Anyway I hope you enjoy ROF, might buy it after I’m done with all these games I have. I wish this game had a decent release date too.
Same. I use PS3 Media Server for streaming, which is usually pretty good but sometimes even that is prone to skipping or failures.
I’ll tell you right now, when you start out, fight alot of random battles after seeing the training missions in the arena near the start of the game. The battle system is incredibly unique and everything is available at the start so it takes getting used to.
So you don’t care about gameplay? I mean, if you just ignore the visual aspect of it, the gameplay alone is incredibly solid and really the only reason you should even need to consider playing it, considering how good it is. Unless you’re just not into hacknslash.
man… if i buy a move, its going to be because of the commercial. kevin butler is a pretty awesome idea from a marketing perspective. you can kinda mold him into whatever role you need, and he can say whatever since you aren’t supposed to take him seriously. man, if only they started with this when the ps3 came out, i can only imagine ps3 would’ve been more successful.
haha yeah shit is funny man. I love their new marketing direction
That fighting game looked pretty beast, but I’m not holding my breath on Move just yet
Playing RoF.
I’m grinding on chapter 1…
And I’m loving it.
So far the game seems really fun
However, if nothing changes in the gameplay in anyway, then I can see how it will get boring in the future. I’ve seen the end game stuff already, so I hope I’m entertained with what they got to offer.
Also, this part of the game actually made me lol [media=youtube]augoCqqxlE0[/media]
Wow dude, you’re blowing it out of proportion. Like, a LOT. Calm down.
I actually don’t care about FFXIII enough to be mad. I take cheap shots at it because it’s poking fun on an internet forum. God’s honest truth, I was dehyped for XIII for years, as Versus XIII looks way more interesting.
I seriously didn’t think someone would get so bent out of shape about dissing something as a joke on SRK of all places.
Really curious what you guys think of this. A friend of mine sent me the link.
I know most of you think that backwards compatibility isn’t really important, and this may just be a small sampling of people who are interested in it, but I found it interesting. BC has always mattered to me just because I’ve upgraded all my AV equipment. Going back to running a PS2 via component cables looks like ass compared to a PS2 game upscalled via the PS3. It really is a world of different. And I still feel strongly that Sony was really pulling a dick move by removing that since it was a removal that was motivated by money. The ps2 is still selling very well, and they’re making money on it. They’re still losing money on PS3s. Do the math.
The trophy thing as well is very interesting. Achievements and trophies are a strange motivator but for me it reminds me of being back in the arcade during the old days and using your high score as a measuring stick that compared you to other players. Of course, some developers are fucking retarded when it comes to the actual trophies or achievements that go into some games, (Looking at you and that stupid Horse achievement, Darksiders) but that’s another discussion.
I know a lot of folks in here own both consoles and I really do have to applaud Sony for making a lot of improvements and innovations people were looking for. So many of the features in the xbox 360 were built in from the ground up, and Sony having the ability to add stuff like trophies (like achievements), accessing the cross media bar at any time (like the guide button for the 360) is pretty fucking cool, in my opinion. I recently commented how I felt like my PS3 had finally lived up to what I wanted it to be as a game machine. It’s paid for itself in spades as a blu ray player, but now it has as a game machine. At least for me, anyway. I know it did that for you guys a lot sooner.
Don’t take any of this negatively, either. Just posting some stuff. I am curious as to what you guys think of that blog. Some of the ideas are fucking hilarious, like the one about turkish subtitles, but I think there’s some good stuff on there and I hope Sony is listening to some of it. They really have turned around from the attitude they had when they first launched the PSTriple.