So did you guys see the PS3 press conference from GDC? Hmm I don’t know what to say about Move but I guess it’s too early to judge it. Looking forward to E3 and TGS to see how things will evolve and differ from now.
What worked for me was the auto notify feature on NewEgg’s website. They’ll send you an e-mail as soon as some come in stock. None of the stores in my area ever have any either.
You can also type your zip code on Gamestop’s website to check the inventory on local stores, although you still want to call them before you assume they have it.
Hope this helps.
Hahaha, that was funny. Oh sony’s new ad campaign. Gotta love the new hot PS3 brand. Get that spiderman font outta here.
I just read IGN’s live blog of the conference. Move sounds interesting…they’re definitely taking Nintendo’s idea and running with it. Not a bad thing. Socom 4 being playable with the device will be interesting since this will directly put Motion Controls vs. Game pad. They need to tighten it up though if what I read is any indication…It sounds like it’s at Red Steel 1 level right now which is NOT GOOD. I’m curious as to what’s actually in the controllers and whether or not their nunchuk/Playstation Move Subcontroller (BLECH…Sony please come up with a better name) has equal motion sensing technnology as the main Move controller. I don’t think it being below $100 dollars is going to be good enough if Sony is serious about trying to grab into Nintendo’s crowd. Comparison would be Wii with wii motion plus at a little under $250 vs. PS3 with Move package at around $375 (This is guessing that it’s somewhere between $50 and $75). Average consumer is going to look at both and probably go for the cheaper console UNLESS they have something so completely mind blowing that they have no choice but to pick it up. E3 will be interesting indeed…
So does anyone have RE5 Gold?
It’s not like I don’t have other shit to play. Just getting anxious. I will be pissed if it ends up coming out on the same day as GOW3.
There is a gamestop exclusive code that gets printed on the reciept.
I didn’t get it, but I saw it at gamestop earlier when I got Yakuza 3. The box looks snazzy
there was no code on my receipt at all, just an insert in my game case.
Ok after actually seeing Socom 4 in motion with MoveI take back what I said. They’re starting out way better than Wii did. Looks pretty good. If it turns out to be completely awesome than this could be the killer app for the hardcore. Now they just have to work on the price and casual hurdle.
Looking over the other vids they presented I’m quite impressed. Nintendo could very well be in trouble if this gains any ground lol.
I just watched 3 or 4 of the Playstation Move videos, I am really impressed. I think the ball thing looks odd, but from the videos it looks pretty cool.
and Yakuza 3 has a 5GB required install, wow. haha thank god I installed a 640gb hdd.
Yakuza 3 starts off pretty slow which could turn off a lot of new fans. Only in chapter 3 and probably should pick up soon.
If you preordered from Gamestop, I’d call & ask if they can re-ring your receipt. It’s a different code. The insert is for the Battle Pack, & the GS one is for the Challenge Pack. I guess now GS prints out preorder codes on your receipt, rather than handing out preprinted pamphlets.
How much did that cost!?
This is from Kotaku…it’s short list of some of the differences between Move and the Wiimote. Don’t know how accurate it is since it’s coming from them.
Edit: GOD DAMMIT SRK! This is the first time I actually got hit with the double post.
Guess who got a ps3 Now i can finally play some heavy rain, mgs4 and some FFXIII.
Psss. I got the system for the last game mentioned aboved ;0
Wow, first time in three years my ps3 got the flashing red lights…while playing FF13 lol.
Welcome to the cool people group. :tup:
damn, I better go back because that would suck if I didn’t get my pre-order bonus.
about $100 or so from newegg.
Dunno if I can ask, but…
PS3 + hacked PSP = Bad juju?