RE 5 gold did not come in either, just FF 13.
Just got my system a moment ago(40GB), already loving it. =D
Another question, though. When I swap out the HDD, can I just put stuff on my PSP’s Pro Duo card then just copy it all back onto the new HDD, or is there something less elaborate I can do?
Another Dell deal popped up today - Uncharted 2 for $40:
Seems like a pretty decent deal for those that haven’t picked it up yet and were waiting for a price drop. This one ships in 24 hours, according to the site.
GS told me that Yakuza 3 will be in tomorrow as well.
My Yakuza 3 order on Amazon says that it will not be shipped until March 29 0_o
Holy shit I am loving Little Big Planet so hard. I haven’t had this much fun with a game in years. Fucking amazing.
no love for canada?
Subscribing to new thread and repeating stuff I said in the other thread, just 'cuz.
I finished Bayonetta last week. After the patch I enjoyed it a lot more. If they make a sequel I will pick it up in a heartbeat. I’m still more of a fan of the DMC series but Bayo is an all around solid title. Good stuff Kamiya! :tup:
Picked up FFXIII just now and going to play it later. I’ve only played FF1 and FF7. I’m basically always there after six games in the series pass. FFXIX will be next!
Some good anime drops this week. Neon Genesis Evangelion You Are Not Alone comes out on BLU-RAY today too! Gundam Unicorn OVA part 1 drops WORLDWIDE this week. Great week to be Otaku. :karate:
Question about GundamUC. Digital version is on Jap PSN only is it not? How many Blu-ray disc total are there for the whole OVA?
The only thing I can find about the regions thus far is,
So… it looks like not just yet, unfortunately. I imagine they’ll hit Canada before they cover Europe, though that’s strictly my opinion.
man i want my yakuza 3, even tho i wont be playing it til im done with grandia
Only the first episode is released, it’s around 1 hour long, and the next ep comes out in about 6 months.
video review of yakuza 3
Yeah it’s only out on Jap PSN right now. The Blu-Ray will be bilingual. I could’ve sworn it was supposed to drop 3/10 but I just checked and it’s 3/12 now. So that’s Friday. It’s possible stores in the US won’t have it until next Tuesday though because that’s when we usually get DVDs.
FF13 is out today. i expect the next few days to be nothing but FF13 on my friends list lol.
I have next week off from work and no money to go anywhere so I will be playing a lot. Will be trying to catch up on some other games too but will mostly play FF13.
Did saying that to him make you feel better? Every person in here has a stereo typical idea of certain games. Hell, it’s obvious from your post you don’t give two fucks about Madden, and consider people who play Madden the bastion of this industry. But games like Madden allow companies like EA to take chances. Chances like Mirror’s Edge and Dead Space. Yeah, the guy was wrong, but fuck him. Who gives a fuck what he thinks? Obviously you feel strongly about it, and that’s cool, but you using a bunch of large words doesn’t invalidate his opinion.
I dunno. You’re whole post comes off like you want people to chime in and be like “Fuck yeah!” because you don’t like that kind of person. Especially the part about dumbass, redneck, and wanna-thuggy-be.
SF IV sucks compared to SFII, btw.
SF IV probably wasn’t the money maker gamestop wanted. Don’t forget, GS is a corporation that’s run by shareholders that probably don’t even play games. They have sales trackers and charts and all that up the ass, and on those charts are games they expect to perform a certain way. Also, and I can only speak for when I was younger and working in retail that sold games, each iteration of SF sold less and less each time it was out, and that was a defining reason capcom gave up on fighting games in the first place. Money is a large reason why SF IV took so long to come out. SF III was, from what I understand, a HUGE monetary let down for capcom, at least here in America. Arcades were dying and the shit was probably a small blip on the radar.
With every one amped for SF IV, all the accessories, etc. they probably expected it to be Final Fantasy huge, and that’s unrealistic. Especially since their stores couldn’t stock things like sticks on a regular basis.
Just spent the past hour and a half looking for RE5 Gold. Can’t find it.
Was tempted to get 13 but didn’t.
Slightly annoyed.
I thought Capcom sold tons of copies of SF4?
Oh well. I am playing dat FF13, every conversation is pretty much a little cutscene, which is what I said I hated in WKC, but it’s not so bad here because the voice acting is so surprisingly good. Sazh is funny.
Anyone who would say that SF4 and SF2 are the exact same game is either insane or borderline retarded.
I actually gave him the benefit of the doubt.
And I only used but two small words, lest he get confused.
“You’re insane.”
I kept it simple, like a>sweep combo on the CPU.
You yourself just stated that SF2>>>>>SF4.
It would, by appearances, seem that you too, think his opinion is not valid.
And I agree with your further exposition on SF4=/=SF2 i.e. SF2 is the far better game.
And trust me, RC - had you heard his tone, you’d be in complete agreement.
I like FF13. Characters are cool, storyline’s a little convoluted but the gameplay is really cool.