A very good site I’ve always ordered HDMI cables from is http://monoprice.com. They ship extremely fast and the prices are very low.
Yeah, none of the systems have been available since christmas really. I know the wal-mart near my house hasn’t had any of the 3 systems as well as DS’ since probably late November.
I was glad I got my PS3 when I did, even though it wasn’t an impulse buy. I’ve been wanting one for a while but it was the perfect time to do it.
Plus PS3’s holiday bundle rocked this year.
Metal Gear Batman + inFamous + Dark Knight Blu-Ray. :tup:
Firefold is another pretty good site that I’ve ordered from. I got a lot of network and A/V wall plates for my shop, not to mention about $100 (retail price) worth of HDMI cables for like, $25 lol. Monoprice is a fantastic choice as well, no doubt. (I buy my bulk cat6 from them usually).
Though currently they are down for maintenance I believe. (I remember seeing something pop up on Facebook recently - I’m a fan of them on there - and there website appears to have a splash page stating they are currently experiencing technical difficulties.
RE: Heavy Rain, you could probably get away with renting it, but from what I’ve heard, the game is absolutely phenomenal. I feel like an ass, because it’s sitting on my desk still while I’m grinding out the lvl40 trophy in Bioshock 2 so I can get my platinum. I opened Heavy Rain, installed (and made my origami!) and then put it on hold. If I quit Bioshock 2 now, I won’t go back to it, but no matter what I will play Heavy Rain.
Phenomenal is a severe overstatement, it is okay but that is as far as I would go.
yeah, after thinking about the story issues, I would have to agree.
If you like big maps with vehicles and objective based gameplay, then Bad Company 2. If you like smaller maps with a bigger focus on lone wolfing, then MW2.
Yeah the plotholes in it make you wonder if Kojima wrote it. Going to go pick up Yakuza 3.
You know i really wish IGN would just stick with a solid number with there ratings system or just do what 1up did and throw a letter grade in. Seriously FFXIII gets a 8.9? Why don’t you just give it a 9 and leave at that? I mean giving it a 9 will still back up your gripes with the game while also backing up the good things you liked.
Goddamn heavy rain freezes a lot.
Can’t wait to get Yakuza 3 later today, too bad I’m gonna be busy for a few days so I can’t really enjoy it.
BFBC2 is great. Sure you can work as a team, but you can also go rambo in Squad Deathmatch and Conquest modes. The game rewards you for playing smart and staying mostly hidden, I crept up to the side of a Conquest objective and took out 8+ people before I died. What you should do before getting BFBC2 is to pick up the first game to try it out, the gameplay is very similar and that game is only 15-20$ new now. If you end up liking it, you’ll like the sequel.
BFBC2 got the same score. I looked at the comments and people were actually mad about that shit, saying things like “WTF, IGN? WHY NOT ROUND IT UP TO 9.0!?” Their were some people genuinely upset over .1 rating of a damn game review.
No stores around here have Yakuza 3 yet. I think I’ll have to wait 2-3 days before stores around here start getting it.
Just got my copy of FFXIII from UPS. Going to the store to stock up on provisions and then going into recluse mode for the next few days.
I’m not upset over it, but i wish they would just stick with a solid number system. I mean if you give a game a 6.2, why don’t you just give it a 6 and call it a day. That way you won’t have people bitchin and moanin over it.
Yeah they do not have Yakuza 3 here either as I just found out. The only game they got in was FF, even though I had Yakuza 3 preordered.
yeah Gamestop will have it tomorrow. At least thats what they told me on the phone.
Thanks for the suggestions, i guess im going to rent it first then.
I know you aren’t, but those randoms on IGN were. I read your other post as you thinking it was weird that they didn’t round it up to 9.0. I agree with you. I only use IGN/Gamespot/Metacritic as references now anyway, I rarely bother to read reviews. I’m too lazy for that shit.
I guess shipping on Yakuza 3 is little fucked up everywhere. It’s all good though, I got Borderlands DLC to keep me busy until then. I still need to get the RE5 DLC’s, goddamn is RE5 Gold ever expensive. I’m gonna get RE5 Gold later on, just so years down the road I don’t have to worry about the DLC on my HDD depending on how PSN works out in the future, though I think it’s going to become Steam status in which years down the line we can still download things we paid for, onto our PS3’s, PSP’s and even PS4’s depending on how the BC works out on that.
Gotta love Ghey!Stop! random dumbass employees.
I was chatting with my friend, the assistant manager, when the topic of conversation drifted to the “big name” releases this year, according to GS’s company line, such as FF13 and GoW3.
The topic then turned to what games were considered “second tier” hot titles by Ghey!Stop!, RoF being a highlight amongst those discussed.
I then put forth SSF4, asking wherein it fell within such parameters, wondering whether or not it was placed squarely within said “second tier”.
Nope, said my friend - not even close.
Street Fighter 4 was a huge monetary disappointment, according to what Ghey!Stop! had projected, so Super was not going to be given any level of prominence.
To which the dumbass redneck-esque prat of a random generic employee who was also working at the time chimed in, with a wanna-thuggy-be derisive snort of a laugh “That’s because it’s [Street Fighter 4] exactly the same game [as SF2].”
I turned from my conversation with the assisant manager, and, chuckling with incredulity, looked the prat straight in the eyes, and flat out said “You’re insane.” before turning back around to the intelligent people’s discussion.
Fucktards abound in the new generation of gamers, but this dude’s malinformed arrogant attitude was mindnumbingly stupid.
Generations from now, if the hobby of video gaming still exists, sociologists shall no doubt refer to such creatures as being spawned of “The Madden-ing Effect” upon gaming culture.
For those who haven’t seen it, Sony has signed all six major movie studios for digital distribution of their products via the PlayStation Network! Yet another great reason to own a PS3.
you guys enjoying ff13 so far? still on the fence about getting it =/