The Official Claymore Thread

^Galatea better put both of them in their place…Does Clarice even have any abilities?

Other than being Miata’s walking bottle, I think not. :rofl: Which BTW, I don’t know who the fuck Yagi thinks he’s fooling with the “surrogate mother” business, that’s blatant yuri fanservice. Which I care not for in my Claymore, so both of them can get lost.

As for the fight a’brewin, Miata may push Galatea to an extent, but I don’t think she can fuck with her.

^Where’d u get info on the latest RAW?
Anyway, so they found Galatea? For some reason I was expecting Rafeala :P.
Anyway Ep. 14 was great; it shows that Clare is now far powerful than she was…or at least at cutting down a non-attacking Awakened Beings’ body :P.
Ophelia’s death was rather lame, but at least she found peace with herself.

Galatea being the Claymore they found is still in question. But since Miata has a distinct sense of smell I’d imagine she wouldn’t have effed up. Even so, Rafaela would own those two no problem, so the point remains.

As for where I read my Claymore, I get it at when they come out translated.

Im hoping Galatea holds it down, cause if she survives it basically means on to the cool guys side(at least youd have to believe). I mean, IF she survives going back to the corporation is gonna be suicide. Hopefully this will be the key moment where Galatea becomes more permanent, and not her being off;d.

i hope so too. I would be kinda hurt if all my fav claymores are gonna get offed.:sad:

Ya know I was wondering-

What if the one Miata found is

[details=Spoiler]Irena? I know it’s doubtful, but I kinda feel it might be her.
Another candidate would be Raki…after being infused with Yoma power or something[/details]

15 was soooooooo brutal

duff ftw

^DG speaks the truth…Cant wait to see Galatea in action next week.

It seems that Claymores don’t where anything under those plaited skirts:sweat:

So is Clare gonna fuck anything up in the ep 16? That number 47 shit means nothing now that she knows flash sword and can read yoki almost like Teresa.

edit: I mean ep 16

watch it and find out!

Check the edit.

For anyone that wants to read the manga.

just read up to chapter 73, plus the extra one…too good

no new chapters till nov though :sad:

heh. claymores is just plain beast. not one, not two, but EVERYTHING is a beast. too bad terresa is gone, but she went out a g. gave claire an extra arm to fight the good fight with and ended up saving her ass in the bargain. now she’s gotta prove she’s worth the arm and go knock of an awakened being solo. still, her against duff? don’t know about that. of course, well dressed, adorable little girls in castles always give me the creeps too.


daaaamnnn…november! o well…theres always bleach.

Isley is the BEAST.

Teresa was awesome, fuck the other Claymores. Was I the only one that expected more from Alicia?

Isley is garbage, so are all the other abyssal ones. Especially that cheating whore Priscilla.

Except Riful.

Man, Isley would own Riful. :rofl:

And he’s a guy, which time seemed to forget in Claymore, who DOESN’T SUCK? That immediately makes him badass. In fact, he doesn’t look like a fucking horror movie monster reject tool bitch in his Awakened form either unlike SOME people coughClarecough.