Well I just read 105 and yea it was boring, but they needed to explain what is becoming of clare first before anything. Glad they got it outta the way sooner than later.
Anyhow, this chapter was kinda bleh. Sure I expected them to eventually focus on Miria’s plan to attack the Organization…but in the middle to Clare vs. Pris? Really?? :wtf:
I think the series is going to end real soon but it could be draged on for a bit longer. what else is there once Priscilla is gone?? abyssles where killed off kinda easy imo for the “power” they where suppose to have.
They still have the point of the Claymore program…the “mainland” or whatever…but I think this ‘portion’ is coming to a close over the next couple of years…
Anyway, what I still don’t get is how Miria, probably one of the most intelligent and cautious of all the rogue Claymores, decided to take on the whole Organization by herself?
Basically, she thought that the Organization was defenseless without the twins (the ones that were out hunting Riful). She didn’t know that more twins were being trained.