The Official Call Of Duty Thread: CoD WW2 BETA coming Soon

They need more scopeless snipers IMO.

Scopeless ballista made me rock hard in BO2.

Felt like I was hunting people with that thing.

(not me)

That thing was straight up disrespectful.

Just wondering, what were the weapons you guys had the most kills with?

For me in BO2 it was the Executioner(a shotgun revolver)
In Ghosts it was the MTS(a revolver shotgun)

BO1 - I remember being really gay for the Olympia, but it could have been the stakeout.

I can recall most of them off the top of my head.
COD4: AK47
MW2: It was either AK47, 50 Cal, UMP
BO2 It was likely the MSMC

For me it was the peacekeeper in bo2. I had like a 3 kd with that thing.

MW2: Vector
BO: Mac-10
MW3: Model 1887
Ghost: CBJ

The 1887 was my gun with most kills in MW3 too.

That thing is so ridiculous with range, goes from “meh” to borderline OP.

Damn-near sniping people with a shotgun,

Watching the MP reveal of Call of Titanfall :rofl:

Yeah the MP showing is underwhelming to say the least. It is literally Ghosts with Jetpacks, infact you can argue the graphics somehow got WORSE. This has just been a terrible fucking showing.

Please do not watch the MP reveal, it is fucking terrible in every way. If you have any hope for this game, skip this reveal and hope they release something that makes this look better then what they showed.

Omg what the fuck was that?? Everything about that was horrible. Right down to that abysmal commentary.

Wait, graphics actually matter in a Call of Duty game now?

『コール オブ デューティ アドバンスド・ウォーフェア』プレイ動画:

When they are worse then the previous games, yes. Especially when Activision has made such a big deal about them.

can’t say I’m surprised in any way, it looks like it’s trying to be BO2 and Titanfall but without the mechs…not sure how I feel about it. looks better than ghosts but that’s not saying much

What the shit

Just watched the trailer…LOL

You were warned!

Finally watched it. I don’t see the big issue. Looks like fun.

Reminds me a lot of Halo Reach, dumb jetpacks and all that. Not looking forward to this at all:(

Looks really fun actually.

Better than Ghosts and MW3 looked in their reveals, IMO.

FPS basketball? Looks fun.

Force-push shotgun, non-speed removing riot shield, vertical movement, colorful levels, swimming, jet strafing and jumping that will definitely make running, gunning, setting up shop, patrolling areas and flushing out groups and campers x2 more fun? You had my curiosity… now you have my attention.

Handheld magnum styled motherfucking RAILGUN, character customization that allows more colors than green/blue/black, pick 13 instead of 10, the option to exchange killstreaks for things like perks or wildcards, shooting while sliding, melee that makes enemies fly off while hilariously rag dolling, infinite/near-infinite sprinting, customizable killstreaks, the ability to unlock different variations of existing weapons so I can maximize damage or fire rate to ridiculous levels, and two forearm mounted mini guns as a primary weapon!?! My feelings right now can only be conveyed via a crudely and quickly drawn image

I’m not getting the hate, this game looks good.

Looks like an upgraded BO2. Just watching it, it looks to even have that same fast pace and momentum, where you feel like a damn steam roller once you start getting a few kills.

Looks good:

Posting this vid here cause it’s short and explains hella shit:

Also worthy of note:
-No C4
-No Dead Silence
-Sprinting seems infinite

So this game is basically “Black Ops 2 2: The Few Good Parts of Ghosts and TitanFall Also”.

I’m loving what i’m seeing and hearing.