Appart from Daigo are there any other good Guile players? Preferably in N - groove.
Nakanishi and John Choi are the current “best” Guile players. Does anyone play N-Guile seriously?
His lvl 1’s aren’t that bad and he can guard crush quite well. His low jumps don’t seem too bad either. But yeah C is his best for damage when you get the oppertunity.
Isnt there any Eagle users, besides Combofiend? C-Eagle, to be more precise.
Bhushan’s C-Eagle has moments. I play C-Eagle casually, and he does well. He’s really boring to me in C, though…but he does have the same hit confirm tricks he does in K, and it works with lvl 2s, so he can cancel afterwards and save meter. He’s frustrating to play against in C 'cause he’s kinda like Vega…he just pokes at you until you get annoyed and mess up. He can combo and do mad damage, though, unlike Vega. Air blocking helps him, and his dash is good. RC spinning stick move is good, and great against tall characters.
Like it even matters, but I play him. I don’t know if I’ll use C or A at evo this year. And CF used A Eagle.
Rusty has the hot A-Rorento.
Why the Hell are people still posting in this thread?
Se7in - normallywhen ppl don’t like sometihng… they just don’t pass near of it… so…
Keith: Where can I find videos of this guy? I wan’t to know wich one is the best maki… his o Iyo…
the best maki by far is iyo. my maki is playable, but his is like refined to some whole other level.
Know where I can find any vids of this guy?:lovin:
iKlEiTlH: LOL… but post one of ur vids man… manny ppl talk really good bout your maki!!!
@ Luigi-Bo:
YouTube is good, check out the following channels: GunterJPN, Rollcancel, Frenzish, 2hai
@ topic:
Knit/Nitto: K-Geese
Nuki: N-Gouki/Chun
Namameso: P or C-Rugal, C-Todo
For P-Kyo, could be Makoto in his prime, Deshiken or Yoda on a good day.
This is not Kim.
I’m curious as to who can play a really good Mai (in any Groove, or her best Grooves actually). I want to see how my way compares to these other people’s ways of using her.
Rai’s K-Mai is pretty good. YouTube it.
gunter, how good is ao in real life? i’ve watched him play and he looks insanely solid with that k ryu.
GunterJPN: I did… found nothing bout him… only Iyo and some old matches of him too but no Keith =\\\\\\\\
Search for ‘rollcancel’, I’m 99% sure he’s got some Rai vids on his YouTube acct.
ops sorry… u sayd Rai… serching…