This thread’s retarded. Someone please lock.
CAB for zangief, chang and balrog (boxer) (chang/zangief could go to bari too?)
Whoever that dude was that laugh was playing with who played A-Kyo/Terry/Iori is probably the best terry youll see
Morrigan - Buktooth or this one dude on youtube who played her first and took out almost all of daigos team with her. I think his name was nuji but i cant find the vid anymore
Dhalsim / Maki - Iyo
Mai - Rai?
Chun - Mago
Yamazaki - Shiro
Kim/Rugal - Yuu
Sagat - Shiro or Mago
Rock - OTK
Geese - Bari? or maybe actually knit
Todo - 178
Joe - Ver
jesus christ…
who cares?
Vega-Ricky Ortiz
How is this “Official” and why would anyone care?
This could be good as anyone who wants to learn a particular character would know which players to look for, I suppose…
That’s the purpose of why I made this thread. I wanted to see which players would be good for looking up lower tier character vids. Though, I could see why some would find this thread idiotic/pointless…
it’s publicity!!!
i assume who are best players from whoever wins Evo whatever year a few times.
whos the best bison user in the USA?
Its helpful for people who read the threads and have a vague idea of the concept but usually people get a much better concept of how and what to do by watching professional people playing that character in particular. I mean don’t get me wrong but a video speaks to people alot better then words on paper.
Knit does have the better Geese over Bari. Isn’t Nuki’s Chun better then Mago’s?
Kyo - Makoto
Raiden - Desora
Rolento - crazyasskim
I’m not going to bother to name anymore to add to gridman’s list unless someone really would like to know who to look up on youtube to learn how to play a character.
Best S-Ryo here.
i would be interested in best hibiki specifically best a hibiki
give me those, c-joe, n-vice, p-beni, a-dan, n-kyo and c-evil ryu
i’d also say c-yun but i’ll give edma the props
best bison player in the US is pretty easily gene, best sagat player in the world is probably choi
and CAB sucks, bari is like 50x better
Hey leezy has a mean Kyosuke too. rival schools!!!
i agree that choi has the best sagat. But then again, ive never played other good ones from Japan.
last time i checked, no one had campbell down for best, and only morrigan. o_o
<-- K-Kim, Eagle, Morrigan, Kyosuke
I wanna say C-Kim, but I’ll take a tie with Japanese dudes
John is definitely best Sagat around. I haven’t played Japanese ones, but I’ve seen plenty of matches, and they just can’t do what he does with Mr. Eyepatch.
I’m comfortable saying Campbell has all 3 of his main (N-Iori, Morrigan, Hibiki) and N-Vice.
Gene has best Bison in USA.
Ricky has best Gayga…probably Sakura, too.
I’ll second Kim HAH! for Rolento. Japanese might play better sometimes, but the amount of knowledge and execution he has with stickboy is impressive to me.
Oh, I have to make sure to kiss Keith’s pretty little ass, too. K-Maki for sure.
going off of videos, Shiro seems to have choi’s sagat beat. might just be me but it seems like it.
Dibs on C-Gief!
Edit: I think this whole thing would have worked better as a video archive. That way you get straight to the point without having to deal with what happened here. That way if there is debate over best players, at least it’s constructive and at least there are examples to discuss.