The Northwest SF:HD Remix Matchups thread

At certain moments, especially when the stage slows down due to the end of a round, HD:R Chun Li’s stage music hurts my ears. It draws into a slow, high pitched screech. I’ve experienced this on both 360 and PS3, and it’s one of the more annoying features of HD:R. This is far painful to experience than any of the noted gameplay bugs. When I see an obvious bug during a game session, it makes me laugh. When Chun’s music reaches that crescendo, I squeeze my eyes shut for fear that my teeth will shatter.

speaking of bugs, has anyone experienced waaay more backwards normals than in ST? I had only ever seen that happen once outside of a combo video in my entire time playing ST, but it happens to me about once a night in Remix, what’s the deal with that?

also, I got a new PSN and XBL name, so re-add me for pleasure

What time do most of you guys play? I haven’t ran into any SRK folks that i know of…

my gamertag is rcaido for 360 & PS3…Mostly play the PS3 as my 360 is freezing up in ST…Add me fools!

I mostly play from 7pm-10pm M-Th. If I luck out, Friday all night.

I’ll add you guys to my friends list.

Side note: last right before I bailed I had a random-assed glitch happen. One health bar started the round at 1/4 full, other bar was full. They didn’t decrease as the match went on. Three round indicators were lit up under both player’s name. This is the second time this has happened. When I quit the game the PS3 beeped 3 times and reset.

Great. I really hope this thing isn’t starting to brick.

Can we change our XBL names?

^-- yes

You can, but it costs like 400 or 800 points or something

Good to know. Hopefully no one out there has taken Pablo the Mexican. That would be a travesty.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some 13 year old white kid already took that name

That’s been happening to me a lot too. Sometimes the portraits will be from the previous match. It actually happened when I was playing mastermind.

While I know that sucks, it makes me feel a helluva lot better.

Haven’t talked to Brian since I moved. You should tell him to pick this game up if you see him.

Let me know when you get the PS3 version, we’ll have to get some games in.

John Mayfield is a Northwest legend.

It’s 800. I felt really stupid paying $10 to change my fucking XBL name lol

also: “y dont u play like a man u faggot sonic boom peace of shit”

^You shoud’ve used that $ to get a 360 stick.

Brent gotta disagree with you on the Cammy, Vega and E.Honda stage music.

Ejdge: Sorry I dropped on that Akuma scrub but my execution was off and I wasn’t looking to wait a turn.

Taking a couple days off from the game and watching Ryu, Ken and Guile vids to see what I should be doing.

Nice one. Also, been seeing some talk about you in various threads. Axel Kellz is on some next level shit, represent my nig.

Trace whats your GT?

I’ll be adding people from the NW, add me. Playing on the 360 pad is gross, but Chun isn’t to bad on it lol.

^-- that was hilarious. I thought you were Trace so was goofing off in our match. Then Trace asked who was playing against Julian and I was very confused. :looney:

Haha, I didn’t know Trace was in there with us.

Not that great but working on my Gief. Beat this guy “Chrom4ex” or something like that in a ranked match. He sends my private message. “You cheap ass &(&^%&^, you are a disgrace to Zangief, F*** your 2000 XBOX Gamer Points.” This guy has like 32600 gamer points Lol! all I did is "kick, screwdriver’ Is that cheaP??? anyone??? Lol goodtimes
my negative rep went up from 40% to 60% since i played ST lol… Why so Serious???