I am getting bodied in Gain Ground. Some characters are clearly better than others and I’m trying to complete the game with limited characters available, but that Full Member mode is looking more and more enticing. The game does have some good music and yes, you can play the game in TATE mode. I completely forgot Gain Ground was on the SEGA Genesis Classics release. I should turn it on and compare the two games.
Odallus: The Dark Call is a game I bought months back but was sitting on. I deided to take it for a spin and the next thing I know, I’ve been playing for about 45 mins to an hour. This game is pure old-school fun. If you like Castlevania but don’t want a Metrovania game, you will love Odallus. There’s not big open world here but the levels do have alternate paths and there are secrets to find in each one. You can even tell if you’ve found every single secret on the World Map. The Game even has different skins you can use such as a knight and when jumping with this one, you sort of resemble Arthur from the Ghosts 'n Goblins series or the vampire hunter one, which makes you look like Simon Belmont. Odallus is currently on sale through April 4th along with Oniken.
Full Member mode is considered hard mode? Well, crude.
TATE mode is playing with your the screen vertically. Lots of older arcade games (Pac-Man, Galaga, Donkey Kong) had screens that were like this. Many of the current SHMUPs and older arcade games getting re-released let you play in TATE mode by rotating the screen, which makes a lot of these arcade style games more appealing for the Switch, especially if you have a stand or a Flip Grip.
I need to plug my switch back up to my tv so I can play crafted world. I haven’t even unpacked my bag I had with me from when I was in the hospital. Which I’m pretty sure it’s in? Either that or the satchel my parents would always bring when they were dropping me off food.
Was in a rush to get home because I love home, and forgot to grab an eShop card. Alex Kidd is mine…tomorrow.
I never heard of Gain Ground until this collection either, but the trailer reminded me that I played it as a wee lad, once I saw it on motion. I didn’t play it for long though. Still gonna wait on it.
Yoshi’s Crafted World is pretty damn fun. I have played the first 5 levels and it’s just a fun platformer. It’s pretty simple but I thought it would be easier to 100% the levels on the first play through, but so far the only one I haven’t even done it for any of them. And pretty much all of them except the first level, I don’t even know where everything is, I haven’t found it.
Can we get a REAL Mario/Sonic game, one that has nothing to do with the Olympics.
You know an actual adventure with Sonic and Mario as ether rivals/enemies or allies?
You know the rivials/enemies would be a great idea, have the villains team up and try to frame the heroes. Make Mario look bad in Sonic’s eyes and vice versa so later on the game Mario and Sonic has to fight, till they realize they are duped and go after the combined Bowser/Eggman forces.