I never thought Jontron’s Youtube channel was that good anyways.
He probability wanted to drum up some controversy in order to stay relevant.
Problem is Jontron only releases videos once every few months, you got to release videos on a semi regular basis in order to stay relevant in the first place.
Also that shit can backfire like Pewdiepie learned very quickly, as he lose more subscribers than most people ever had.
[details=Spoiler]Subs mean nothing, it’s views that matter.
And YT change the rules so its no longer the actual view count but the minuets watched that counts.
Most of Jontron’s subs forgot they have a youtube account or can’t be bothered to unsubscribe.
You got something relevant about Yooka-Laylee that does not include a certain New Yorker of Iranian and Hungarian decent?
same. had it for wii u originally but… we all know how that went down. Been waiting 17 years for this game I sure as hell hope it lives up to its predecessors.
anyone got any suggestions for my next game? i beat botw and shovelknight. i am setsuna seems cool but i typically don’t like rpgs (i hate grinding and leveling up. id rather just master the tools im given). fast rmx looks nice.
Check out Blaster Master Zero and maybe Has-Been Heroes? How do you feel about roguelikes? Also, there are the Neo-Geo games. And Snipperclips for co-op play.