Outside of maybe a handful of surprises and maybe an “AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!” it will probably be nothing but release dates for games we already know are being released this year.
On their E3 website it says that the direct is going to focus on titles that are launching this year.
I could imagine Cadence of Hyrule being an “available now” game.
Maybe one unannounced project.
Other than that big focus on Animal Crossing, Astral Chain, Fire Emblem, Luigi’s Mansion 3 and the next Smash character. I don’t want to expect too much and leave disappointed.
Yeah, I’m pretty stoked for SMM2. I’m also hoping to get a remastered Metroid Prime Trilogy, but I can see them holding off until closer to Prime 4’s release.
Edit: Also Link’s Awakening. I want to see more of that.
I’m playing The Last Remnant on Switch. Man it is crazy how much better this runs than the 360 version. I have the PC version but I lost my damned save file when I switch PCs a couple years back. The 360 version had terrible texture pop in and a horrible framerate, Switch version does not. The lighting is different in this version than 360 and PC versions. I wonder if it is because the Remastered version is on UE4 instead of early UE3.
To each is his own. TLR is one of my favorite games last gen. I literally put hundreds of hours into the PC version. Ran through it a few times to 100% it. Hard as fuck, broke down an used a walk through on my last play through.
Alot of that could be code optimization as well.
Think of a game programming like a flow chart, the harder it is to follow and the more sloppy it is, the more processing power it takes. The PC and Switch versions has cleaned up the mess.
The Witcher 3 is Switch bound. Never played the game but I’ve always wanted to.
I’m sure some folks are gonna be peeved that “another sword user for Smash” but we gonna get our Dragon Quest on with The Hero. Also, he has a command window.
Mana Collection coming out to the eShop? Niiiiiiice!