3rd party support is vital to the success of any game system. Without it, only die-hard nintendo fans will bother. If you guys are REALLY happy with mediocreity, so long as it has the nintendo brand on it? Fine.
And here i thought nintendo might’ve turned over a new leaf with the NES Classic. Sadly, the NES classic is the smartest move they’ve made in 10 years.
Oh, and those of you who bought a Switch, overpaid. You could have gotten the same thing for $100 less:
All I’ll contrive to this conversation is I don’t buy Nintendo consoles for 3rd party support. I buy them for Nintendos IPs and that’s pretty much it.
Is 3rd party support nice? Sure. Shovel knight is a great example of Nintendo working with another dev but I don’t care about 3rd party support overall.
i think it is interesting they give you some options to play a game, i don’t realy like any of them except the one thats similar to wii u, but its still interesting
That’s when I said FUCK CAPCOM back in the day. I still have my copies of P.N.03 Killer 7 and RE4. Never owned a copy of Viewtiful Joe but completed the game.
I bought my switch for Nintendo games. I have other means for everything else. Hell I admit I considered an Nvidia Shield way back when it was announced. Switch at it stands will be the better option for my needs.
Yeah, but I kinda hate using them on the go. Barely enough space for my Xbox in my bag, always on the lookout for power plugs and when I turn it on I can’t even see what I’m doing in the game so I just randomly press buttons. Unless I bring my TV of course but at that point I definitely need a bigger bag. But no worries! I’ll always know, deep down, that it’s more powerful than a handheld device and that’s really more important than how I want to use it.
Nintendo hasn’t had 3rd party support on a console since like the SNES. People buy Nintendo consoles to play Nintendo games.
I always find it amusing when people compare the systems, like the X1 and PS4 having more power means the Switch is automatically bad. By that logic it means PS4 and X1 are bad because PC’s blow them out of the water.
I buy consoles to play games, not jerk off to the specs. I’ve had all 3 current consoles since launch so if there is a game out that I want to play, I’ll play it instead of making excuses why the console I don’t have “sucks” to justify why I can’t play it.