where can i get some good info on ds mods?
Puzzle Quest was getting hella’ addicting; i played like 40 hours in 4 days.
i had to go cold-turkey, lol.
…playing Pokemon now.
IMO, there aren’t any worthy DS mods. Sure, you have SNES emu, but it’s not perfect.
Star Fox Command
…wifi VS is too good!
Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI coming to the Nintendo DS!
Info and scans at NeoGAF (as usual, those guys are awesome).
I can’t read it, but I’m assuming they’re coming separately (the quality of the remakes look pretty good from the scans, so we’re not getting gypped). Never finished V or VI, so I’m looking forward to this. Looks like the DQ IV remake for PS1 that they never released here.
Side note … man, Q-mann from EGM is on a roll. After a bunch of false rumors, almost everything coming from his column is coming true.
Hey Nintendo person that reads this forum and talks to reggie or miyamoto, tell them this…
This gaming generation is such ass, it’s so sad.
4, 5, and 4!?
… I don’t know what you’re talking about. :wonder:
You don’t know your Roman Numerals. You meant six(VI).
As if Final Fantasy 3 didn’t suck enough, they had to throw another grindfest re-hash out.
Anyone picking up Picross DS?
Just wanted to say that Planet Puzzle League is totally worth your time and money. Picked it up the other day and I love it. The presentation is nice, the gameplay is fun, and there is a metric fuckton of game modes and options.
To be fair, we never got V and VI. The three games are great, especially IV.
I was going to point out the same thing. I’m really looking forward to playing V and VI. I remember playing DQ I, II, and III religiously. I was able to play IV a little bit, but I don’t think I ever beat it, so that’ll basically be like a new game to me, too.
We get to finally play DQ V & VI in English, which is cause for celebration, even if they ARE rehashes…
Just to add to this, there’s some good online competition. The Japanese players are friggin’ tough, though.
THANKS for posting this. I heard the rumor, but quickly disregarded it. I even gave up any future plans of learning Japanese (my main purpose was to play imported games, please proceed to call me nerdy if you like). The DQ7 visual style is icing on the cake!
…That’s what makes my morning show all the more interesting. Some kanji-wearing freak beasting me at 7 chains of 4 or more combos at least almost every freaken minute.
lol, that’s about the level I’m at, and the japs I find are way better. More like 12-chains yeesh. Still, this game is the mostly beatly thing to hit DS since Elite Beat Agents.