The Nintendo DS thread v.2

that’s the remake of the 3rd PW game for the GBA correct?

I’ve created a monster!!!

I didn’t even know they released Pokemon Puzzle League on DS. :wow:

That’s awesome, that game was one of the best puzzle games EVER. Have to tell my sister when she wakes up (she loved it back on N64).

Want new FFIV info…damn you SE.

my l trigger is broken will they fix that?

It’s not POKEMON Puzzle League, but PLANET Puzzle League. All the fun, none of the Pokefluff. :tup:

are you talking about the lan adapter or the piece that connects into your usb of your computer? I have the usb piece and it works just fine. Moosehummel uses it for his wii as well to dl vc games. I haven’t been online in months though because of poor sportsmanship people on mario kart who just disconnect if they so much as suspect you of snaking. but anyway that’s going off topic…the land adaptor i’m sure works like a dream seeing as how it’s made by Nintendo…and we all know that usually when nintendo makes something…it’s good craftsmanship.

The only people who get pissed if you snake are the ones that are pissed because they can’t do it :rofl:

Yep! It’s the one where you play as a young Mia Fey in the first case.

puzzle league is sooo good…

but is there a way to make the speed faster during wifi battles??? cuz when playing good players, all we do is counter each other’s garbage and that can go on for a long time…abusing the lag also makes it easy to do. I only got to play for an hour but I’m ranked 2nd on my birthday haha…the puzzles are also pretty tricky, too…

Has anyone played Trauma Center and Lifesigns: Surgical Unit?

Which one do you prefer?
What’s the difference?

I don’t know what the other game is, but I’m playing Trauma Center right now. I like this game a lot, but it’s brutal. You have to be really quick with the stylus, and not mess up at all.

That game and it’s Wii counterpart still give me nightmares to this day. But during those nightmares I remember exactly how great those games are.

Once you learn the locations of all the tools the surgeries become slightly easier.


  • well, I’m on the PPL bandwagon. Will try it tomorrow, and btw: Tomb Raider DS is crap.

Trauma Center is truly a great game. The difficulty gets really high on the later missions (especially a few of the X missions) but the gameplay is solid, meaning the frustration doesn’t come from the game but from your own skills. However…I’m still iffy about the stitching. I’m still not very fast at doing it and I’m not sure what constitutes a “Cool” ranking…

and X5 is just a random misson. Still haven’t passed it yet due to bad luck (literally)

Wii makes it a little easier because you always have your left hand ready for the tools and ready to operate with your right.

Planet Puzzle League is the shit. I don’t like the stylus controls, though. Makes the game way too easy in my opinion. I’m sticking with the D-pad like a stubborn OG.

And here is my friend code: 0001-0225-8857

oh snap, son. Remember when Taiko Drum Master screens were released, and they were being secretive as to why they haven’t shown the bottom screen?

This is why.

Game comes with drum sticks. Awesome.

  • It’s the Bear Planet Puzzle League Morning Show(8:05am-8:50am EST). Dial in for lag free good time at FC: 2835-7007-1071. :slight_smile: Enable your voice chat for more funkachunkz in HD.

I made a PPL thread over in the matchmaking forum, so post your FCs and anything PPL related over there.

IMO the DS is getting the best games. it gets very original games, funny games, action games and RPGs.