The New Tennessee Thread: Raiden... IS the answer!


Memphis brought 12 people. Of which, 9 played in SF. Yes that’s a good number, but as you said, what happened was easily preventable. No reason for me to play Memphis in the second round. And what about the whole top 8 debacle with Sev and Lycan? No excuse for that.

As far as people “wanting” to play on-stream? That should not be a primary concern for running the tourney. Stream top 8, but nobody needs to play on the stream if it means delaying matches more than absolutely necessary.

The start of the SF tournament was definitely pretty dumb, putting lots of good players into losers straight away. Just the number of matches that were like that, it can’t have been an accident. And then, of course, the whole forgetting to call matches/top 8 thing. Lycan pretty much got screwed out of top 8 by having to play a match that he should have never had to play because the brackets were all screwed up. Even with the bracket sitting in front of you, it took 10 minutes to decipher because it was a complete mess. I think the only reason the “top 9” thing was discovered was because Lycan took a couple hours of his time to decode the bracket. I don’t think the stream had much to do with holding the tourney up either, not on the SF side at least. I’m pretty sure SF wasn’t streamed until top 8, and it was like 8:30 or so before that even started.

So, how bout that MK tierlist? 11 chars tied for S-Tier? lol…

Where did you find this tier list?

Can I post now? GASP! It finally worked…

Sounds like Memphis had an awful time at that tourney.

Man I can’t find the option anywhere to change the text under your avatar on the side. Where in the hell is it?

Both from Tom Brady;

tier list:

hotfix patch notes:

I take anything Tom Brady says with a grain of salt honestly.

Regular Sub Zero is not top tier, he has Smoke below 19 other characters which is fucking funny, and he has Shang Tsung too low. If you’ve ever played a good Shang Tsung, you’ll know whats up.

He’s got Shang ranked at S tier,whatchu talking bout?

Play a Shang sometime, you’ll see he is one of the best in the game right now. Nobody around here uses him properly though. He’s like the games best kept secret almost lol

I already know that lol that’s why i said he ranked him as S tier and it don’t get much higher than that unless you count God tier which was only for mvc2 lol

It needs to go

Hat Tier (kung, raiden)
S Tier (Shang Tsung, Kabal, Smoke,…)
A Tier (Sub Zero, Scorpion,…)
B Tier (everyone else)

Only problem I had with the tournament is how the seeding was done. Some poor guys had to play Grand finalist material people in 1st round winners and 1st round losers, sucks for those guys, and then some people got to play a free bracket until winners finals, especially in Marvel… Just really unbalanced.

The thing is yeah there were alot of Memphis players, but I think it’s acceptable for Memphis to play each other in 2nd round winners if it means seeding the skill where it needs to go.

How would you feel if you had to play Diago first round and then Jwong in 1st round losers because he lost to Gamerbee? That’s why tournaments spread these guys out so that doesn’t happen.

I don’t see what the problem is with it honestly, at that point, if the bracket is a chunk of Memphis players, what do you expect, byes?

Do you know anything about how to set up tournament brackets? lul.

Next time we come to Nashville put me against JFord first round and then have that person play a loser from Patrick vs Josh and see how much people like it.

So what are the results for the SSF4 tourney?

Nope. I’ve never run brackets before ever. What I’m saying is, different people run brackets different ways. When they are run poorly, people bitch. When they are run well, there’s always someone that will bitch. Can’t please everyone. If there is an issue with the brackets, why not say something right then to the T.O.? Doing it after the fact really does nothing to help out.

If you did say something to the T.O. and they still did nothing to change any of it, either it was 1. unchangeable at that point, 2. they really just don’t care, or 3. They had no business putting it together alone and should have asked someone for help doing it. Asking for help running brackets is so much better than having to deal with internet drama and fallout.

Yeah I brought up alot of stuff to the T.O. I just think they didn’t care, they actually changed the brackets so that some of us had to play some of the best there on purpose in the 1st round…

As far as the Marvel bracket went I know some people got to have stuff changed around and some people didn’t get that luxury but it’s whatever. Lol hell I got to have my first match changed in Marvel because it was Issaic who I had played 50 casuals with and I knew he was going to win the tournament but they changed it so that I played the guy who got 2nd xD.

Honestly Marvel should have been:
2) Mike Weng
3) AceKombat
4) That guy from ARK

but Issaic and Mike and Ace and the guy from ARK were all in the same pool somehow >.>

What the fuck is this shit? This ain’t my SRK.

It’s done and over with,let’s just move past it and instead get ready for MWC which i know will run smooth and wont have the same problem. Which brings me to my next point,we need to really start focusing on match-up and character knowledge during the days we play casuals instead of always trying to tear each others heads out in this games lol. I mean yea we did well in the tourney but we should be doing way better than that.We need to start dividing the set ups we do have available during casuals night for all 3 main games,ssf4,mvc3 and MK9 so each respective players for each games can start training and helping each other out. I know sometimes it’s hard because we may be short on set ups and what not but lately set ups have been no problem and we are getting more and more players coming out to play so let’s try and divide the set ups so all 3 games get played instead of 6 mvc3 set ups,2 ssf4 and nothing else lol

I know my set up will be MK so that’s 1 right there and duckie and sev usually has mvc3 covered so let’s get ssf4 covered as well and get this hard knocks sessions going ppl. I wanna focus on MK and ssf4AE almost exclusively for now but i will play mvc3 to help whoever needs training in. But let’s help each other out to level up.

Btw,i dig the new forums design after messing around with it.